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DAMN!!! Gone to the Dark Side yet again..........


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Well, I've only gone and locked myself in the Doghouse for another while ( Actually, getting good at this, you should try it!=D> )


I've just managed to acquire a Jackson PC3. For those not in the know, its a Phil Collen Signature guitar. Had to be done, my excuse was that after seeing Def Leppard/ Whitesnake tour three times this year and "She who must be obeyed" wanted me to sound like him. Well.... I had to, Didn't I?? Got to have the right tools for the job aintcha?? Here's the link to her - The Guitar that is!




Needs new strings and the fretboard could do with a clean up along with a rather dark finger print on the back of the neck, any ideas on how to clean her up??


If interested I post better photos one I know how....

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This is taken from a thread on EVH guitars...but it applies to all unfinished necks.....


"ok care for unfinished necks. there are 2 things you want to do. one every string change the other about every 4 months or 3 times a yr. we will cover the biggest one and thats the 3 times a yr.

first start with some number 0000 steel wool and go over the fretboard and the back of the neck. this will get off the grim that has stained the neck. its very fine so no worries plus your hitting it real light so its not gonna hurt your neck. plus you'll need to do this everytime you do the major overhaul to get of the old wax. i forgot to add you'll want the neck off for this so you dont get any steel wool on the pickups and such. next step is to hit the whole neck with murphys oil soap wipes. can be found at your local walmart or menards in the cleaning section. hit the front and back and wipe off and repeat once. neck step is to get some birchwood caseys tru-oil and wax. these items can be found at walmart or anywhere that sells guns. your gonna take a cloth and wet it with the tru-oil. hit the back of the neck wait about a minute and then buff off. wet the cloth again slightly and then hit the back of the neck again. wait and then buff off. no need to wait any longer as when i did the tour at ebmm they people dressing the necks only waited about 30 seconds if that. with whats left over hit the fretboard five frets at a time. do the first 5 and buff right away. then the next five and so on. you dont want to get much on the fretbaord not like the back of the neck. neck get the tru-wax and shake that bad boy really good. put some on a cloth and wipe it into the neck for about 15 seconds and buff right away. you dont wanna leave this on as its harder to buff off. repeat the same steps on the back of the neck. now take the leftover and once again hit the fretboard 5 frets at a time and buff. i do this twice with the wax as it helps prevent the neck getting dirty. one tip, use paper towels for the buffing and a rag for the wiping on. works great. put the neck back on and play the sweetest feeling neck you have ever felt. i put money on that.


now for string changes in between just take off all the strings but the g and wipe the whole neck and fretboard with the murphys wipes and then wipe off. repeat that a couple of times and that will be good enough. your gonna get alot less build up doing this andthe necks not gonna stay perfectly clean. it will stay nice and oiled and cared for and look great and hold its resell value. if anyone tells you a dirty neck looks cool they dont know how to care for a 1,000 dollar guitar. while there meant to be played i really dont dig my neck looking like crap. hope this helps. "

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Aaargh that was painful to read.


I didn't write it...just quoted it...but from what I understand there are 2 schools of thought on unfinished necks...those who don't recommend cleaning and treating them and those who do. I've always like the look of a "well played "instrument myself....kind of a badge of honor thing. If you want to clean it thats up to you. The peavey site also recommends Murphy's oil soap for cleaning FWIW.

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