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True-Bypass pedal Question


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Hi, I'm just a bit confused on the matter,


When a true-bypass pedal is plugged into guitar and amp, running on battery and disengaged, will it use the battery?


I'm also building my first pedal(germanium fuzz) and was wondering if i wired the footswitch to engage/disengauge the battery, would it adversley effect the fuzz when stomped on(ie lead time due to transistors warming up?)

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It'll bleed the battery as long as a cable's plugged into the input jack. That's the real on/off switch for the battery.


It probably won't hurt the fuzz to wire the power to the footswitch, but you may need more poles on the switch to accomplish it like with a 3PDT footswitch. You'll still need the true-bypass wires on the switch.



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Thanks for the help, my rat II was very strange with batteries and I saw the fuzz schematic and thought "that can't be right?"


I'm building a fuzz featured in guitar buyer magazine this month, It can be seen at this site www.thegigrig.com


I'll be using a 3PDT footswitch, the schematic used the 3rd pole to turn on a led, i'll try to set it for a battery on/off as well as the led.

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That depends on which schematic you follow...=P~


If it's a clone, it's positive ground.


I'm building a fuzz featured in guitar buyer magazine this month, It can be seen at this site www.thegigrig.com


I can't see any link there for some reason, but I'm assuming it's some sort of fuzz face or tonebender variant, since those are the two most popular fuzz builds.


I'll be using a 3PDT footswitch, the schematic used the 3rd pole to turn on a led, i'll try to set it for a battery on/off as well as the led.


Putting voltage right on the switch isn't such a great idea. It leads to nasty pops. Is there some particular reason why you don't like the battery on/off on the input jack? If you absolutely must have it somewhere besides the input jack, you might be better off wiring a separate switch for just the battery.

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Is there some particular reason why you don't like the battery on/off on the input jack?


Not really, but while home it's handier to leave everything plugged in. If it will cause pops an noises i'll just leave it.


It's a positive ground whatjamacall-it using NKT275s or something


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If it will cause pops an noises i'll just leave it.


That'd be easiest, fer sure.



It's a positive ground whatjamacall-it using NKT275s or something


Fuzz face. Get those transistors from Steve at smallbearelec.com. He grade selects them by HFE, and sends along the right value resistors to bias them correctly. Well worth the extra pennies. You can easily end up with utter crap by guessing with Ga transistors.

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