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Just put in my Mean 90's


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I have only tried them at low volume, but so far so very good! Can't wait for tomorrow morning to blast these suckers.

I did it the ultimate lazy person cheat way... no soldering or anything. Just crimped the wires... any downside to doing it this way?


(Sorry about the horrible cell phone pics... need to invest in digital camera)




Anyways, they're beautiful and hopefully sound as good as I was hoping. I will put up my review of them tomorrow.

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This is EXACTLY what I'm planning to do soon with my black Dot.


I might get some GFS humbuckers for my white Les Paul as well while I'm at it. The pickups in that one are awful. The guitar feels OK though, it just sounds a bit crap.


As for the "lazy" solder-free wiring method mentioned - isn't there the danger that the wires will work loose one day? I'd rather take a soldering iron to them myself.

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I'm sure that is a possibility but it would be in a long time. I'm not planning on ever selling it so hopefully i'll be the only one that has to worry about it. Would be easy to fix though.


I electrical taped all around it too, just to make any movement harder.


Doing it this way took a total of about 5 minutes and 1 calorie haha.

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haha! agreed! I like the mean 90's quite a bit. For the first 15 minutes I wasn't so sure it was a good investment, but after finding settings I liked, etc., I've really come to like them. I was shooting for a different sound than the humbucks, but still a good one, and IMO I got it. The pick noise that some have complained about does not bother me at all. They are harder to overdrive than the humbuckers that were in it, but that's not a huge deal.


I think my dot with the mean 90's will be the "go to" guitar for when the siblings aren't around and I can play loud. If I'm wanting overdrive sounds at lower volumes, though, I'll turn to the sheri with humbucks. I would agree with those that say the mean 90's have a nice clean sound as well.


Thanks to everyone that recommended them!

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just swapped g400 pups again to 2 mean 90's. nice clean and nice over driven. found they were best with gain at halfway on my 10 watt marshall. i am warming to them more here. i'm thinking they are better there than in a strat. they sound better on the pod xt as it has more amps. a vox ac30 is the best sound for these imho.

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