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Does the Valve Jr have a bleeder resistor?

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FYI I've got a VJ with the turretboards.com Vox eyelet board and the Heyboer OT.



I'm new at this and I'm trying to be very careful. I want to check all my capacitors after discharging them to make sure they are safe. Out of curiosity, right after shutting off my amp I got my voltmeter out to check what voltage was there and ......nothing on any capacitor. I of course checked my voltmeter by checking an AC plug and a 9 volt battery and if read both of those perfectly. Any idea why I'm not getting a reading. I don't want to touch anything until I figure this out.





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Yes and no

Rev2 and Rev3 amp's have R11 which is used to bleed the cap's. Rev1 amp's don't.

Always check with a meter anyways just in case a 5cent resistor went bad.


davidg3333; Doesn't matter how long it was turned off; it takes a long time for a cap to bleed if it didn't have a bleed resistor. Always check with a meter.

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I checked it immediately after playing through it. That's what worries me, I'm afraid there's voltage there and I'm doing something wrong or there's some unknown reason why my voltmeter isn't finding it. I've tried my voltmeter on all settings and nothing. I can't believe I wouldn't get some kind of reading.


This is the trurretboards.com Vox mod board. I can post a pic of the board if that will help. Again, I'm just trying to be careful. I know it causes concern to a lot of the experienced amp guys out there anytime a newbie wants to dive head first into an amp mod. Safety is my first priority and I'm modding anything until I'm 100% there's no danger.


Boy that sounded dramatic.



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Sorry, the comment about checking the voltages right after turning off the amp went right over my head.


If you happen to have a breadboard , you might hook up a simple circuit using your readily available 9V power supply (I know, like we all have one of those) and check your multimeter that way so you have confidence in what it is telling you.

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If your turret board by Ken is correctly put together then yes you have an R11 bleeder resistor.



I know that my cap's bleed down pretty quick (Gil's seem to take 20min for some reason :- ).

make sure when you check use a DMM and not a VOM; old VOM's are harder to use correctly.


clip the - lead to the ground, and then you can use one hand with the red lead... remember if your DMM is not a newer auto-ranging unit, you wil have to put it in a range around 400vdc.


in the schematic you would put the + probe on C6 that's connected to the R10 side. any thing over a volt and you can wait a minute or two more.

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