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So what are you buying yourself for Christmas?


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Hmmm....seems i/we have gotten a bit off topic. Christmas present to self, .... well if the check comes

in the morning and I can sneak off to GC without being caught my plan is to get a l'il used Valve Junior

halfstak outta lay-away I've been paying on. Rummaged around in the van this afternoon, I found a

migratory speaker cable so that's covered without additional expendature. Even bought a Christmas

tab book the other day. Hopefully I can find some tone time in the next few days to give the newest

addition a good trial run. Still trying to figure out whether to hide it somewhere or bring it home while

she has the potential to possibly be in a good mood. I'd hate to be sleeping in the van with the new

VJ. There's no electrical outlets and even less heating in there.



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I kinda dug the look they felt like they should be on a Easy Bake oven.


Ha ha so true. There are a lot of knobs out there and most of them just don't look good and feel good at the same time. That's why I usually stick with good old Gibson speedknobs or Fender strat knobs. The metal domes with an abalone top insert can look good on some guitars. I think there is a market out there for someone who can design some high-quality, cool looking knobs.

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I'd like to buy a dream. One where Americans inherently understand torturing prisoners is immoral, wrong and not to be done. One where governments can stop fearing their constituents will revolt - and do it by stopping the creation of avenging accusers. Where religion is used to help those timid, needful souls amongst us - not as a hunting ground for sexual or psychological prey. Where businessmen, doctors, lawyers, executives, criminals, politicians and others who violate a special public trust are held responsible for their decisions which cause unnecessary injury to others. Where every man, woman and child can set aside 1% of their greed in favor of genuine charity, not just a public display...lemmealone! I wanna go back to sleep where I can dream without pain.

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