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Sunken bridge pins in my Hummingbird


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I recently got a used Humming bird, and went to change the strings and notice that the bridge pin heads have sunken pretty far down in to the bridge. I don't know if they are original or not, but the heads have a black dot on them. I couldn't pry the first string pin out and had to loosen other strings to get my hand inside the guitar and push it up. The pin head in sunken down where only about half of it is exposed. This is a 2005 model. Anyone else with this problem? Are these the original pins? I'll need some slightly thicker pins I guess, but i want to know if this is the fault of the bridge wood hole getting bigger or improper pin size being put in. The 6th string pin is normally exposed. Here's a pic.




Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

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I doubt it is wear on your guitar. I bet they are replacement pins, and sized too small. I have an AJ-200s and the pins are plastic with no dots on them. I bought a set of replacements, and they were sized too small. They did the same thing. I think most Epi's have oversized pins to begin with!

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Take one pin to the guit tar shop and pick up some larger ones. The current, blingy, pins may not be correctly sized for this guit tar. Or... the pin holes have been opened up by overly pressing pins in, in the past.


First thing to do is get correct pins.

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You can also try to get a hold of Bob and see about replacing them with the right size and also something not mentioned to often is the tapper of the pins ( the angel the sit at ) can make a difference also, but it does lok as if someone was overly aggressive and pushed them in way to deep so you might need to get that fixed depending on the size of the original pins.Ship

you can get a hold of Bob at his site.


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