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Made in Indonesia anomoly_EJ200


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I just picked up a EJ200 from GC last weekend. I looked her over carefull from head to toe in the shop and she looked fine. When I got it home, what I thought was s finger smudge turned out to be a smudge under the clear (see avatar pic)


Has anyone seen this before? it looks fine until bright light shines directly on it. To me it looks like it was either smudged before the first coat of poly went on or between coats.


Needless to see I am bummed...this is the 4th EJ I had looked at. What can be done? I know..."play the dickens out of her"

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Bullsh*t, trossit!


If that guitar is brand new, I say TAKE IT BACK! You have a 30 day return policy from Epiphone and there is no way you should have to settle for that kind of inattention and poor performance!


I've seen a few of these "fingerprint" guitars at my store (not all Epiphones, but a couple were) and I've sent them all back as defectives. If Epi wants to mark them out a B-stock and sell them on the cheap, that's fine, but there is no reason that these should be passed off as A stock!


Maybe if they end up eating enough of these "el defectos" they'll start to pay attention to what is coming out of that Indo factory. Friggin' shame is what it is ,,,



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Absolutely no reason to accept a defect like that in a new guitar.


Take it back, and if they can't find another that's perfect, pick another brand/model.


Voting with your wallet and feet is the best way to send the message to corporate.

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Wa tizit?


Looks like lignin burnishing to me.


"Lignin burnishing?" Wa tizit? It comes from shiny surfaces like painted automobile panels to guitar finishes coming into contact with cardboard or paper. As the item jostles through the delivery system from point A to Point B, this rubbing causes minute scratches in the finish.


The factory SHOULD have placed a cellophane or plastic like film or foam buffer between the guitar and the guitar's cardboard box. Apparently this wasn't done or the protective covering shifted allowing the container to rub the surface of the guitar. Can you prove it was done before you took delivery? Don't know. Take it back and see if they will make an adjustment or replace it.


If they won't adjust it for you, polishing compound might take it out.


I had a car once that my wife placed a cardboard box of groceries on the trunk lid. Then grabbed it, then slid it off the surface of the lid. It left a striping of burnished lines under each valley of the cardboard boxes corrugation. :-k

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