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No need to be rude


No need to be so judgmental. How was I rude? [cool]


Sorry' date=' can't see anything "rude" [-(


It's pretty easy to find the information on the Epi-Website, isn't it:-"





Thanks Peter, I didn't see any rudeness either. Just being straightforward. Which if anyone knows me.........[blink]

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I like Epi's and have kept up with them somewhat over the years, but never seen this model. I guess if your not looking for something different you wont find it. I search Epi's on EbaY & Craigslist all the time, and I've been on the Epi's site at least 3 or 4 times in the last year. Anyway I was suprised to see a guitar by them I've never seen. Just like the finish on this 98 Korean Standard I bought on Ebay a couple days ago.




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Okay, boys ... everyone take a deep cleansing breath!


Msak, if you haven't seen the guitar before ... good for you. It's FUGLY!!! Don't mess with a winning streak!


If, on the other hand, you like it, then there is a lot of info available. Here's the man himself rambling on and on about it:





Everybody happy? Kumbaya and all that sh*t??? Good!



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Peter ... I don't think anyone is going to be banned for saying "a-hole", do you?


Epiplayer ... chill, man. It's much ado about nothing!


Brad ... are you famous?


Seriously, last week there was this big love-fest about what a freindly, helpful forum this is. Now we have the makings of a full-on SH*T-STORM over this?


Nurse, please distribute the chill pills!



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Brad ... are you famous?

I don't think so......


No, never have been, and never will be.

And that's how I want it.


But I seem to be disliked by many.

That's OK too. I'm not here to win a popularity contest anyway.

Just to learn and share. And that's what I do.


Oh, and I try not to be rude to other members as well.

Like calling them names.

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All right, guys ... c'mon now ...


Brad, you and Peter were a little brusque with the OP of this thread. Just because we've discussed this abomination of a guitar to death, doesn't mean that everyone knows about it. You don't know how long he has been playing or how experienced he is with guitars in general. Besides ... have either of you actually ever seen one of these things? I haven't ... and I work in a flippin' guitar store! For all I know, Epiphone built exactly one of these things and it's the one that Wylde himself is playing in that video.


All I'm saying is that we should try to live up to our "reputation" as a helpful, friendly place where players can come with questions and not get the forum-standard "What are you ... some kinda retard?" response. There are plenty of places like that around ... we really don't need any more of them.


Epiplayer182 ... when you jump in there like that, you sound as though you're just looking to pick a fight. Let the other guy fight his own battle if he feels the need. You would have been better served to just post some info for the OP if you were looking to help him out.


Look, I am only taking the time to post this because I personally feel very proud when I read the stuff that some of our newer members have said about the place. I'd like to keep it that way as much as possible. Conflicts are sure to occur from time to time ... it happens when you have a bunch of people that are passionate about an interest ... but this one was just plain silly!


Okay ... carry on! :)



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Now I'm trying to be helpful again....





I know I posted another thread about this funky guitar. Was just trying to lighten the mood.

And thought maybe you all didnt see it. I still have no Idea what this guitar is. But it plays well so I'm keeping it

as a conversation peace. lol

And I don't worry about the comments made here, I post to get responces good or bad doesnt matter to me.

I was just suprised I had never seen a Graveyard before.


Peace Out

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Don't feel bad about not knowing about that Zakk Wylde guitar. I just found out about it a little over a month ago. As well as the Les Paul Axcess...I guess it was almost 2 years old before I heard about it.


Anyhoo...in the same section of Gibson's website as I saw the Zakk Wylde I also came across the Eye Guitar




I dig it, looks almost like an SG but different enough to know it isn't one.

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Don't feel bad about not knowing about that Zakk Wylde guitar. I just found out about it a little over a month ago. As well as the Les Paul Axcess...I guess it was almost 2 years old before I heard about it.


Anyhoo...in the same section of Gibson's website as I saw the Zakk Wylde I also came across the Eye Guitar




I dig it' date=' looks almost like an SG but different enough to know it isn't one.




Yeah I hear that. I've never seen that Eye Guitar as well.

I noticed you have a Trans blue LP, I just bought this Trans blue LP and its on the way.

I've never seen a finish like it before. Looks like a Quilt Top. The guy selling it said its a Standard but it looks like a Classic to me. I'll post some better pics when it gets here.



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