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Tuning down with the Transtrem


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i am really interested in picking up the zt3. the only thing im worried about is tuning the guitar to B standard. this is the tuning my band plays in. if i get the .48 double ball's, is it possible to get good enough tension being tuned down so low?

and do i need to adjust a lot with the trans-trem to get it to the point where as soon as i put in the double ball strings it will be in tune? im under the impression that as soon as you put in the strings the guitar is almost perfectly in tune. im hoping to achieve this when the guitar is adjusted to be three steps down.


im just worried i will have to make a lot of crazy adjustments in order for the guitar to function 3 steps down as it normally would in standard tuning.


i really want the guitar, love all the features and i like its shape. im just worried about this stuff


any input would be appreciated. thanks.


ps- check us out! www.myspace.com/abhorrentdm

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I would say no as the heavy strings will behave quite differently in terms of tension through the range to a set of 9s/10s that the TT3 would have been designed around .There is considerable adjustment in the TT3 but this is a big ask. A set of 11s tuned to B in the lowest position will work but this would not give you a working trem in your standard tunning.

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