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I did it voluntarily in my drinking days, when I first lived on my own.


I found out what that saying about "Your mother doesn't work here" meant.


Got my own place, and after the first time I drunkenly soiled the floor in my own bathroom who cleaned it up?





I had a girl coming over, so I needed to clean my place up a bit.

I realized the bathroom really stunk like piss, but couldn't figure out why.

Upon closer examination, I realized why the floor and wall were all discolored and sticky.




So I'm using dirty work clothes soaked in warm water to mop my whole bathroom before she showed up.

(I didn't even own a mop.)


After that, if I was loaded, I'd just sit down.

Any buddies of mine who pissed on the floor were thereafter banished to pissing in the back yard.

I told them if they got arrested it was their problem - they needed to learn some manners...




I don't like cleaning bathrooms.

My boys got the hint pretty quick, the oldest one had to do a few cleanings himself...

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Opportunity Diego...


It's all about opportunity.



When I'm in the mood for a tangent - LOOK OUT!!!






My amateur skills as a raconteur get sharpened now and then.

Helps that I spent a lot of years living life to its fullest before web forums shackled people to glowing screens.



Amazingly, I've heard tales of adventure from people that involved websites - like it was real....



Get out there and skin yer knees young 'uns!

(Leave your cell phone at home for once - or go someplace with no signal.)

Sounds crazy, I know....



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given that this thread is already hijacked...


Neo, for safety purposes the Miles City to Deadwood trail ride had a satellite phone just in case. Not always much in the way of cell service in southeast Montana. Pretty decent shortgrass prairie, though.



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To hijack the hijack;



Where in the hell is my satellite phone?


20 years ago Iridium was supposed to be the "Flying Car" of the new millenium.

A phone the size of a deck of playing cards that worked ANYWHERE in the world!

(Even the polar caps.)


And everybody would have one, making home phones obsolete.

The only thing making MY home phone obsolete is the phone company...


Anyhow, back to Iridium -

Motorola lost their butt, dumped the program with worthless satellites in orbit, and the Navy took it over.


Costs a fortune, and the whole thing turned into a crock of sh!t.



I never got my flying car, but dammit, why can't I have a cell phone that actually WORKS?

Alot of good it does me to take pictures or send text messages when I need to TALK to somebody.



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I know what you mean. I took a work trip once into SE Montana. I'm in my Jeep on a STATE HIGHWAY that's as close to bottomless under a bit of snow as you can get and still keep moving and I'm doing about 15 mph so, I hoped, I could see a no-go and stop in time.


Met a county commissioner who had a sled in the back of his pickup as a lifeboat. No kidding. A pix was in the Billings newspaper, btw.


Cell phone service? Nope, it was a sea of endless grass broken into waves of earth that you didn't see until almost too late.


The commish, btw, told me not even to try continuing north. I turned around and headed back, and he headed off cross country. He had a business band radio. I just kept hoping I didn't get in trouble back to the U.S. highway.


<grin> It's a different world in some places, still...



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Diego, I'm not sure Joaquin was speaking of the funeral (my condolences).

I think he was referring to your statement "imma stay on the forums all day today"...

That IS very sad.




(censored) [cursing] haha, well i went for a run and im practicing for a bass part in a percussion feature at school. plus im gonna go play tennis at four. so you get what you want [flapper]

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