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p90s on a lp special


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Welcome Newbie.....if it's a choice between your ring finger ( marriage ) and your guitar, I'd choose the guitar; it'll last longer.....Just kidding; What do you mean by FIXATE ?? I hold my pick sideways and usually use my pinky as an 'anchor' of sorts: this means that my middle and ring fingers are always millimeters from the strings, which is great for pinch harmonics and using a pick while finger picking. Years of doing this means it works for me....I just tried to recreate what you are doing. Since you hold your pick the 'normal' way, try closing your middle, ring and pinkie finger; practice that until it becomes second nature...And/or, lower your P-90s...And/or wax your pickups more, and or try to change where you keep your hand where your fingers won't hit the pickups.....An archtop LP with P-90s would be easier to avoid hitting the pickups more than with a slab guitar........Hope this helps.......


And as far as marriage goes, remember, a guy can choose his girl but a guitarist will always have his pick...[thumbup]

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How long have you had the guitar? If it's still pretty new to you, it's probably just an issue of getting used to the way things are on the instrument. When I got my first LP Special, I kept hitting the pickup switch because I was used to where it was on my SG. I'd recommend to play it more, and eventually your playing will adjust to accommodate the way the P-90's are on the Lester. Good luck man.

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I am completely lost. Your wedding finger is your left hand. What exactly ARE you doing that your ring finger on your right hand hits the pickup??


Vincenentw, I wondered the same thing; it is possible that he is unaware which finger on which hand is the wedding one...In jest, I wonder if he is maddly fingertapping, and that that is the problem !!!!! Or, perhaps he is left handed, which would answer your question.....

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