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Gibson Brands Forums

eBay? Thoughts, Opinions, Strategies

Andy R

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Yeah, ok, a small paragraph was about ebay but 75% of the post was Gibson bashing followed by many plugs for Ed Roman.



Again, Sorry you feel that way. I admit I got a bit side tracked. Gibson Bashing, No. Mentioned Ed twice I believe. Questioning the costs of all guitars in General yes! Stating that the people who actually buy guitars have the ability to force the prices to a reasonable level. You bet. Questioning why I would also buy something only based on brand name? Yep that too. I would have also preferred to have mentioned the guy that trained me in guitar building and repair (Instead of Ed) as an example Taku Sakashita but unfortunately he was murdered in February. Sakashta Guitars



Your more than welcome to your opinion and I am open to hearing it. Please take the time to form one based on more than what you assume instead of just trying to call me out on something that obviously gets under your skin is neither productive and doesn't provide you much opportunity to prove you have something worth while to say. If you don't like what I had to say then make a valid point or ignore the thread. I think it would be cool if you contribute something here and we could get to know each other before you decide I'm an a$$hole.






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