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if you could choose just one


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OK, I am heading into the recording stuio after the new year to record a full length cd. Widdled my tune collection down to about 14 of what I think are the best....or what I want to record the most I guess. Anyway, thought it would be fune to post this in a couple of places and let people take part. If you had to choose (weather you even like the tunes or not)one of these tunes, which one would it be. Keep in mind that these are only demos and the presentation for them will be much more polished...hopefully the best they can be. They are in the same ball park in theme and cover the same sort of ground musically as well. I may choose to record one, two, or even three...probably will record all of them and then choose but I digress. If you have them all, just refrain from posting (ha ha ha)





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Hey Mark, I gave each a brief listen. They all sound good to me. Good lyrical content.Nice voice and harmony.

I guess 'Take a Picture' would be my favorite! They all tell a story though and may appeal to others as well.

Great Luck and Success on your project!


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If you have an orchestra behind you, I'd pick the waltz and give it a heavy treat with fiddle and everything. Else I'd go for the first one- Take a Picture - and put an extra harmony on top of the chorus.


Did you ever hear the Dan Fogelberg album called Captured Angel. You might more than like it. . .


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thanks,I wil check it out. Take a picture of course will not have percussion and probably be more of an acoustic, voice, cello type of thing. A Memory Away owuld get acoustic, piano, drums (bigger or smaller depending) and I like the idea of a fiddle playing the solo. I do appreciate these opinions....opinions from strangers are very important....duh, that is who ends up downloading your material after all. thanks for the feedback. M

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I would agree with that although I am not really concerned with the current country market (as in radio). I will record these in a sparse manner (relatively speaking) so no big production. I am more into the Americana, Adult cont. genre really and the instrumentation on this next cd will replect that. I don't have a huge budget so I find that fewer tracks done well seems to hold up and also capture the artist's talent or lack there of a little more. If I was to choose one to pitch to a country A&R guy, no doubt it would be Friends. I really appreciate the compliments. What will probably end up happening is that I will record all of them and then one, two, or none will sort of feel right. I plan on using acoustic, piano, upright (well not on picture) and maybe cello or fiddle on the majority of this cd regardless of tempo to give it a cohesive sound from begiinning to end instead of 12-14 totally different vibes. This would be the difference in producing demo's to pitch and producing a cd to represent me as an artist. We'll see how it all turns out.


ONe thing is for sure, the Gibson will carry much of the load (ha ha ha ha)

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