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339 Nut Problem

Mule 1

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I have had my 339 Figured for a few weeks now and absolutely love it. However I believe the nut is cut too close to the bottom of the Neck for the high E. The string is way too close to the beveled edge of the fret and the string easily gets pulled down the bevel on frets 2-5. Anybody had problems like this? I heard they are PLEXED in the custom shop.

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I have had my 339 Figured for a few weeks now and absolutely love it. However I believe the nut is cut too close to the bottom of the Neck for the high E. The string is way too close to the beveled edge of the fret and the string easily gets pulled down the bevel on frets 2-5. Anybody had problems like this? I heard they are PLEXED in the custom shop.


I think most people have problems with the top E string falling off the frets at first. I did and I've read of others. For me it doesn't happen now so it seems you get used to it and somehow compensate for it. I think pleking just levels the frets but I could be wrong.

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I have the same issue with my 335. It's mostly due to the fact that the scale length is shorter than a Fender guitar. The Gibson is 24 3/4" scale vs a Fender Strat which has a 25.5" scale. This means it takes less tension to tune the string to pitch, which makes it looser or more floppy if you will. You could try putting an 11 on the first string, which would require more string tension to tune. I haven't tried this myself but it may help. I have gotten used to it over time and don't notice it so much anymore, but it still kind of bugs me. Seems to me Gibson should be able to do something to fix it or at least minimize it. It seems to vary some from guitar to guitar.

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My understanding is that the nut blank is slotted on the Plek machine when the guitar is still in the fixture for grinding the frets (I think there is a video showing this process somewhere).

Your correct when a plek job is done the nut is cut right along with that. If your falling off the fret your playing style need to change some. Were you to purchase a Custom made guitar from a Bill Crook or Scott lentz or Ron Thorn or Grosh . the Low e almost touches the first fret. It could me you used to a higher action. I don't know if scientifically a higher action is stiffer than low, but it seems that way.
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The PLEK machine is not perfect either, and requires the guitar be placed in the machine correctly and be set up pretty close to begin with. I have a strat that has the nut cut with the high E much closer to the fretboard edge than the low E, but it has not been plek'ed. Show a picture of yours, so we can see if it is indeed a miss cut nut, or whatever! :)

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Thanks guys! After looking into this a bit more I found it's not the nut but the frets are beveled more around the 2nd to 4th fret. If you look down the neck you can see the straight line of the fret ends dip in there. As all of you suggested I am getting used to it and have had much less of a problem. However I'm anal retentive and seem to obsess over these things when you spend the kind of money I have spent on Gibson guitars. I'm sure I'm not alone there! I'm just a little shocked that the custom shop let that go. In the end it's not the end of the world because the 339 looks and plays great.


Is the neck thinner at the nut than on Les Pauls and SG's?


I'll try to post some pics tonight or tomorrow.

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