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twisted neck


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Hey, I recently purchased a 60 reissue historic fro GC. I was having alot of trouble with the guitar holding tune, so I took it to a small guitar shop for a guy to set it up for me. Turns out the neck is twisted, and there is no adjustment left for any relief. BUMMER! GC is sending it back to Gibson. Can anybody tell me if a twisted neck can be fixed, or do I need a new guitar?

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Hey, I recently purchased a 60 reissue historic fro GC. I was having alot of trouble with the guitar holding tune, so I took it to a small guitar shop for a guy to set it up for me. Turns out the neck is twisted, and there is no adjustment left for any relief. BUMMER! GC is sending it back to Gibson. Can anybody tell me if a twisted neck can be fixed, or do I need a new guitar?


If it was purchased new, just get it replaced. Either way return it if it is really twisted.

No excuse coming out of a shop like that.

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Quatersawn "genuine" mahogany is very stable when correctly seasoned. I guess they are using un-seasoned wood now, or bad grain selection by the cutter. But then, it is the luthier's job to use the right wood to build a "High-Quality" guitar.

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Send it back. Can a twisted neck be fixed? Maybe, if the twist is not too bad. If it is only minor than these twists usually don't cause much if any trouble, but some of the more severe cases can be corrected by either leveling the frets to compensate for the twist, or in the worst case, have the frets pulled out, plane the fretboard flat and true, and refret the instrument. Expensive, YOU BET! If GC will allow a return, take it and don't look back!

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I'm glad you got to send it back... Twisted necks are actually quite common..Its caused by the fretboard wood and the neck wood drying out at different speeds... I had a Custom shop LP that had that problem at its was just over £90 to get it sorted.... Its fine now...

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