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Clapton was awesome tonight!!


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Soo....milod, you're a ninja? (Ref: kicking the top of a 7 foot door)!


So i guess for me, since it was my first time seeing Mr Clapton, i can't speak to whether he was more smooth or less smooth than he used to be...but damn was he smooth!! I can't imagine him being much smoother (much more smooth?) in his younger days but what do I know?!


Like I said...I wasn't a big fan before the show....I knew some of his stuff and like the big songs etc, but we had the opportunity for tix and we took it cuz well, he's a legend. I'm glad we did because i enjoyed every second of the show and he was phenomenal to watch. There were some great jams and he gave his two keyboard/piano guys a LOT of solos too...they were great to watch/hear as well!


We were up pretty high but they had big screens with tons of close ups of his playing and such. A very cool experience...

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Not a ninja. <grin> But ... for what it's worth, my maternal grandfather could do roughly the same kick when he was older than I am now.


Technically ninjitsu would have had some kicking technique but I doubt that, regardless what you see in movies and ... various discussions ... there would have been an emphasis on kicks like that in feudal Japan. High kicking was an informal sport in ages past in the US, too, as were various local sets of rules for wrestling. We've just not had it well documented at all.


As for kicking in "martial arts," one might note that even westerm "fencing" books were printed hundreds of years ago with woodcut images that illustrated other than sword techniques. The "Kano Jiujitsu" as first taught over a century ago in the US also included kicking techniques, but the evolution of judo leave them largely out nowadays.


Teddy Roosevelt, btw, is documented to have taken Jiujitsu lessons. Actor James Cagney was a real judo black belt as you can see in this fight scene from the movie "Blood on the Sun" released in 1945. Yes, he did his own stunts and there are some good throws.




Note the kicks that were pretty much part of the training in that era.


Bottom line, I guess, is that there are kicks and kicks. I know I'd much dislike to be kicked by the average soccer player.



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Glad you enjoyed the show. I've seen EC twice -- the first time in the early '90s and the other show was in 2006. The concert twenty years ago was simply amazing. I went home, put my Strat back in its case, and shoved it into the back of a closet for a year or more. At the time I just couldn't deal with the fact that I could never be that good, so I figured what was the point.


When I saw Clapton in 2006 he had Derek Trucks and Doyle Bramhall on stage as well. Three extended solos for every song was a bit much and the sound wasn't all that good so I found myself checking my watch and wondering when the concert would be over. On the plus side, my seat was high on the left side of the stage so I was able to get a backstage view of sorts as to what was going on which was kind of neat. That said, EC on a bad night is still better than most everyone else out there...

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