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Clapton was awesome tonight!!


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We got some last min tickets...nosebleeds but dead center. I'd never seen Clapton before and was never a huge fan...i do not dislike his work though.


He killed it tonight...his playing was sooo smooth. He mostly played a sea foam green strat but busted out what i think was an ES355 for about 4 or 5 songs, including Layla...


The crowd went nuts for him and his encore was Crossroads. Shred was impress!!!!


Great night...great weekend...great vacation!!

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I saw slowhand a couple of years ago, got tickets for a reward at work! Just gonna say, best night ever! I'm a huge Clapton fan and was worried he wouldn't live upto my expectations, he didn't...was at least 10 times better!! Every guitar player should see him live!

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We got some last min tickets...nosebleeds but dead center. I'd never seen Clapton before and was never a huge fan...i do not dislike his work though.


He killed it tonight...his playing was sooo smooth. He mostly played a sea foam green strat but busted out what i think was an ES355 for about 4 or 5 songs, including Layla...


The crowd went nuts for him and his encore was Crossroads. Shred was impress!!!!


Great night...great weekend...great vacation!!


I am envious!


I never 'got him' for years and a few years back the penny dropped...I saw the light!! I love his playing now. You lucky old stick Shred!






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I've been fortunate enough, to see EC many times, over the years.

From '60's era "Cream," to his latest period. He has NEVER disappointed.

Makes it all look so "easy," relaxed, and effortless. (Probably IS, to him.)

I was amused, in the early '80's, to hear a "kid," sitting in front of me,

at a concert in L.A., say that "Clapton's lost it, he didn't play the "Crossroads"

solo right, like it was recorded, at all!" Though, naive...the kid was right...EC's

solo, at that night, was even more amazing!! He got a standing ovation!



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We got some last min tickets...nosebleeds but dead center. I'd never seen Clapton before and was never a huge fan...i do not dislike his work though.


He killed it tonight...his playing was sooo smooth. He mostly played a sea foam green strat but busted out what i think was an ES355 for about 4 or 5 songs, including Layla...


The crowd went nuts for him and his encore was Crossroads. Shred was impress!!!!


Great night...great weekend...great vacation!!


as i said john, not a big fan of him BUT...maybe i'd feel different if i saw him play live :-k


glad you had a good night buddy [thumbup]

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I know that I'm speaking from a point of prejudice here, but I think if one keeps playing, one gains with age some degree of that "smooth" as discussed above.


In point of disclosure, Clapton is a few months older than I am. I certainly lack his talent, but I've noticed that even when I pick up new stuff, it's smoother and probably flows better than when I was in my teens through 30s. BB to me sounds better, too, btw.


I think some of it is that when certain parts of your head are "younger" (chronological age probably is irrelevant, btw) you try to play. At a certain point, you just play even if you're using some new and/or different technique.



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I know that I'm speaking from a point of prejudice here, but I think if one keeps playing, one gains with age some degree of that "smooth" as discussed above.


In point of disclosure, Clapton is a few months older than I am. I certainly lack his talent, but I've noticed that even when I pick up new stuff, it's smoother and probably flows better than when I was in my teens through 30s. BB to me sounds better, too, btw.


I think some of it is that when certain parts of your head are "younger" (chronological age probably is irrelevant, btw) you try to play. At a certain point, you just play even if you're using some new and/or different technique.





That is very interesting.





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I said he's got a gallon of talent compared to my teaspoon. <grin>


But I guess I'm talking almost more about the little fine points. As with BB, I think there's that little bit of "something" between the very talented that at some point makes some "the old master" while others equally "talented" simply become older musicians.



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Ummm, I think it's a combination, of Real Amazing talent, lots of hard work (to get where they are)

and then being confident, and relaxed enough, to enjoy it. EC, and other's of his caliber,

have tons of musical vocabulary, that is, by this time, "automatic." So, it just comes out

naturally. They feel it, rather than just play the notes. To me, that's the real difference,

between the technically talented, and that "special" something, that these other folks have.



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I said he's got a gallon of talent compared to my teaspoon. <grin>


But I guess I'm talking almost more about the little fine points. As with BB, I think there's that little bit of "something" between the very talented that at some point makes some "the old master" while others equally "talented" simply become older musicians.




I wasn't taking a swipe, the thing that always impressed me about Clapton is he always been smooth, never really a "fast" picker, a bit like BB in that way...always a tasteful lick, clean uncluttered and meaningful..Shredders have their place but as I said on another thread, my ears can't hear that fast.... :blink:

Listen to Eric's earliest works and he wasn't that fast then either....

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Milod - gotta disagree on that one smooth is smooth EC had it at 20 and he still has it now, as for myself if anything it's harder now, I know my guitar better but I used to be able to pick up a new song in one or two run throughs, now it takes a lot longer and the hands just don't have the flexibility or strength they used to.


Hell I need glasses to even read music in anything but bright lights now. I'm not sure anything has gotten easier with age, and if it has it's likely not something I care that much about. The only real positive 'Ive noticed about getting older is I've gotten a whole lot more mellow and it takes a lot more to aggravate me than it used to. the only other thing that seems like it would be a lot easier is chasing girls now it seems to take little if any effort to get one's interest now and that used to be a lot harder although I'm not sure if I could close the deal or not since my wife doesn't let me date or chase women anymore, She just smiles and reminds me that AZ is a community property State so I can't afford to fool around on her.

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Retro, you're still young. Seriously. Even 50 is a lot younger than you realize when you're there. At least that's my experience. Hell, I could still kick the top of a 7-foot door at 50 and I don't think I can now, although I ain't tried in a cupla years.


I need glasses to read, the teeth are all mine, but storebought. No way I could physically do what I could at 50 except... I swear, I'm a lot smoother pickin'. I don't try to be, it's just there. A lot better than at 30, even 60. By fractions of a beat, perhaps, but still there, and without thinking about it.


To me it's not the loss of gross muscle strength, and yeah, the fingers aren't as strong etc., etc. But it's that ... that tiny bit of timing. I figure if a guy with virtually no talent can hear it in his own recorded practice sessions, and can hear it in even somebody like Clapton and BB ... it just might be real. I'm just not in their league.


Yeah, I may be full of prune juice (actually I guzzle coffee daytimes and OJ at night) or the effects thereof, but, I'm personally convinced it happens...



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