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Is this possible


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I have an Orange AD30 valve with no reverb... heres my plan...


i have a marshall valve state which is f***ed beyond repair... is there a way to take the spring reverb system off the marshall and fashion it into some sort of pedal/loop to that i can have spring reverb?

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I have an Orange AD30 valve with no reverb... heres my plan...


i have a marshall valve state which is f***ed beyond repair... is there a way to take the spring reverb system off the marshall and fashion it into some sort of pedal/loop to that i can have spring reverb?


I have a feeling it would probably end up being more trouble than it is worth. I believe it would require some form of preamp to be built to "Drive it" ( could be wrong). Look for some schematics on stand alone spring reverbs and see what you need. Interesting idea and I might take a look around and see what I find.





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