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is this really a gibson?


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Its defiantly not in good condition, but I saw it and was wondering if it was because of what it says at the bottom.Im not thinking of buying it but ive never seen a Gibson look like this before, if it is one but anyway what do you all think?

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Its defiantly not in good condition, but I saw it and was wondering if it was because of what it says at the bottom.Im not thinking of buying it but ive never seen a Gibson look like this before, if it is one but anyway what do you all think?


Not a Gibson, but sort of interesting with a dovetail neck and kerfed lining. Headstock and neck look a little clumsy. Reminds me of my first guitar, which I bought from a fellow student for $5 in 1965. I'd say this one's worth about $5 as a wall-hanger. From the body shape and tailpiece, I'd say the 30's is a reasonable guess.

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