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Best father & son duo?


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That's certainly the top of the list in my book also, and I'm lucky to be able to call them both "friends". Bucky is one of the finest gentleman I have ever met, and I have called him (to his face) "the greatest gentleman of jazz". I also got to spend an evening hanging out backstage at the Iridium in New York with Bucky and Les. Both John and Bucky have been a huge inspiration for me and my guitar playing.


Here's a photo of Bucky at my house, playing my L-5, and giving me a few tips.




What you don't see in this photo is me ATTEMPTING to play his 7-string.

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I knew the name... not the music and certainly not the father son duo.


I likely would have said something like Doc and Merle Watson.


My apologies to a couple of special guitarists. Very, very nice.



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The Romero Guitar Quartet have been playing guitar together for three generations! Los Romero's was founded in 1960 by Celedonio Romero each of his sons, Angel, Celin and Pepe made their performing debuts by the age of seven.

This is the current Los Romero's, two fathers (Celin and Pepe) playing with their sons, (Celino and Lito)



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