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Help new member please?

Marshall Paul

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Kimba, you forgot to mention GAS!


GAS = Gear Acquisition Syndrome, some know it as Guitar Acquisition Syndrome, but its your choice.

NGD = New Guitar Day, also works for pedals, amps, etc. (NAD, NPD, etc.)

HNGD = Happy New Guitar Day, used to greet a member if he/she has new a new axe.



GAS? You don't have to mention that to me, I can get it real bad. Sometimes I only have to think about TEX/MEX, CHERRY burst, CANDY COLA, MAPLE syrup, some HONEY burst for DESERT and CREAM to bind me up and wash it down with RED WINE or ICE TEA and I get GAS real bad! (might sneak off down to the ROADHOUSE and see what the SPECIAL is).

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HI from one of the few G I R L S (meaning, TRULY BORN FEMALE... not just diva-esque and dramatic) here on the forum.

My being here is Damian's fault. Blame him.


He likes how I sing. I don't play guitar but am always looking to collaborate and I like being here because mostly it's fun, and I DO LOVE GIBSONS especially :)


I can help you out with the Facebook thing. I helped Damian, I can help anybody. LOL


http://www.facebook.com/adamszoo to friend me, let me know who you are so I can keep track of you, I have like 1250 friends now. Yes I do know who most all of them are... except the rare fan from Tanzania or something...


And I keep a small GROUP there for musicians & actors that's easier for me to track. haha






G'day Linda....er,Layla...Scully?

Sure, thanks, if I ever decide to go down that road I'll definitely need your help.

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Welcome "cricket" to the forums.........Take your time to figure it all out........There are many Oz members on the Epi Forum, and here......


Australian members are the best IMHO.......[thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup] ...


I dont know about that but I'll take the comp :rolleyes:

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can i add a vote and make my mark in the sand for NO acronyms AT ALL?




I got told off by some ROLFing FB individual for my lack of spelling skills, which is an accident of nature (dyslexia) when their posts looks like someone's thrown up into a bag of consonances.


YES YES YES, it's is a free world and all that, I'm just on the side of clear communication that everyone can understand without the use of a code book next to the computer.


I'm all for it with cellphone/mobile phones, because you have to cram information into 200 characters or less, but when you've got no restrictions at all it'd be nice to hear peoples own styles of speech and not follow some trend... this is all IMHO of cause... ahem



....rant over.






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