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Cleaning a Maple Fretboard


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Hello everybody,


As you all know, there comes a time in which your fretboard needs to be cleaned, it may not be that visible with a rosewood or ebony fretboards, but with a maple one its quite a different story.

I bought for my other guitars (non maple fretboards)the Dunlop Complete Guitar Care kit just to keep them shiny and good looking. But as I read on the fretboard cleaner included on the kit it says that this solution shall not be used on maple fretboards.

I decided to go to my local guitar shop to buy a maple fretboard cleaner, but they told me they don't have such thing, they said that they don't know any maple fretboard cleaner. My question is, do you know any product that can clean my maple fretboard and that it's good (no matter the price), also which guitar care kit its good. Thanks for your time.

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Ernie Ball Wonder wipes for a quick clean


orange oil and every four to six months a little wax for a deeper clean



however! Naptha fluid should work fine when applied to a clean rag and used to rub the dirt away.


because maple fretboard is always finished with a varnish or lacquer they will be cleaned differently to unfinished wood such as rosewood and ebony that use their natural oils as its finish


rosewood and ebony fretboard products can eventually crack the maple

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