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Why so many Epi AJ manufacturer's refurbs on Ebay?

Lee M

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Apologize if this has been covered. A link to a previous thread would be fine.


Saw a guy playing an AJ500 something at an open mic a couple weeks ago and it sounded great. Went looking on Ebay out of curiousity and something like 19 of 21 or 22 listings were manufacturer's refurbs. Doesn't Epiphone/Gibson know what this does to the brand reputation?


I recently bought a Tak manfacturer's refurb. The cosmetic issues were clearly stated and relatively minor. However, a luthier looked at it and told me the neck angle was off slightly. Now I don't know if this was a build problem or within the normal variation but I will never buy another refurb based on this experience.

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From reading entries in this forum and also what is listed in eBay. I think it's may be three issues. Using wood that has not been cured long enough, rushed manufacturing, and improper handing by either the retailer or customer. From my experience with my first solid top guitar I lacked the knowledge on just how sensitive the solid wood is to it's environment. I treated my new solid top guitar just like my other guitars (laminate tops)and found out right away that doesn't work. Once I recognized the symptoms and corrected the environment the problem corrected itself, but I was lucky. Now you take a guitar like the Masterbuilt, which is all solid wood and you have to really be prepared to handle it properly. Hopefully we will see less Masterbuilts having to be refurbed in the future. After all I would really like to own one some day.

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