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The S G Over The Years


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I'd say the most profound change, was in the beveling. Some of the 70's Norlin era SG's

had little to almost NO beveling, especially in the areas between the neck, and horns. The

early 60's originals, had the best beveling, overall...IMHO. The current '61 SG Standard Reissue,

and the VOS Custom Shop versions are very much like the originals, that way. Also, the horn

shape/sharpness, and even their positioning have changed, somewhat. Again, most drastically,

in some of the Norlin Era versions, where the horn tips weren't offset from one another, much.

More evenly matched up. The horns, even recently haven't been tapered, toward the point, nearly

as much (to, not at all), on current SG's, except (again) on the '61 and VOS versions. I recently

saw a Gibson USA "SG Standard" that had no tapering of the horns, toward the tips, at all! They

were the exact same width, as the body edge, where it's not beveled. So...???


Other's here, will have other things to contribute, that way, I'm sure. But, those things, for me,

are the more obvious differences.



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