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Garage/Loft Update

G McBride

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HI Guys,


I posted in August that I was going to build a garage with a full second story that would become my music room/studio.


Well here we are November 17th and it is still open to weather.


They did get the metal on the last side this week so that now the upstairs is weather tight and can start drying up. We don't have any doors yet. This weeks excuse is that they wrong size came in. Of course wasn't the builders fault.


This whole build thing is driving me nuts. I think that the lumber yards must hand out a list of excuses to the builders that use them because when I tell my friends my story and the excuses, they tell me they heard the same excuses from a contractor that they used.


I am hoping that it is done before Christmas. Originally was to finished before the end of September.

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Weird that he's taking so long really at least here in AZ the contractors are so slow there getting stuff done in record time. Tell him your gonna call the Registrar of Contractors Office if he doesn't do what he agreed to . If he's licensed he will want to protect his license and not have complaints made, if he's not licensed he'll be afraid of the fines. Actually if he's not licensed you kinda deserve what you get in the construction trade most unlicensed contractors are really bad news



Good luck though it can be frustrating.

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My guy is a licensed business and is fully insured and such. He is a friend also and does mostly interior work such as wall paper and painting.


HIs problem seems to be all tied to his lack of management skills in bringing in material for the job. I thought that his crew was working awfully slow but after watching this whole progression it appears that they are just trying to not run out of material to work with so they go slow.


It will be nice to have an area 26 feet by 48 feet to work with. I have to start on that floor plan now so that they will not be waiting on me.

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That's a great area and will give a a lot of room, I am currently in a studio room that is 26 x 32 it seemed huge when we built it now it's pretty crowded but that's how to works I guess. It really is amazing to have enough room to set up a drum set, a keyboard area and have enough room to still get 3 or 4 guys a place to play your gonna be a popular house for gigs. \:D/

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