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Gomez - Bring it On .. amazing 90s album


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So the other day I was Youtubing and came across a tune I hadnt heard in years.. Its by a band called Gomez who had a massive hit album in the 90s with the album Bring it On which apparently was recorded in one of the band members garages with an old analogue 4 track recorder in Manchester. Its such a great album, one of the main singers is reminiscent of Eddie Vedder and the music is nice and chilled. I think this band suffered the dreaded second album syndrome where they are under such pressure to reproduce the success of the first and never really get anywhere after that. i think they still play and did release a couple more albums. But this one was just brilliant.


Did they ever make it to the US?


See what you think :)


I think this was their biggest hit.. I think this one made the charts


on this track you really get to hear that voice..

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I've got it. It came out in '98. I bought it after seeing them on (I believe) Later With Jools Holland.


The track which always seemed to get air-play as far as I can remember was 'Get Myself Arrested'. My fave from the LP is 'Tijuana Lady' but I can only listen to the disc when the wife is out; she absolutely HATES the vocals...


Here's their Wiki entry for anyone interested;





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