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57 Classics in my Epiphone Sheraton


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I just put a 57 classic and 57 classic plus in my Sheraton. One problem is that the treble position is only about half on loud as the neck pickup and I'm not sure why. I was curious if something in the input jack or toggle switch wiring could cause this? It's my first time switching pups so I'm totally clueless.

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Great choice on the '57's!! If you're getting sound and the toggle works like normal, I doubt that it would be an issue with those. I would try adjusting the pickup heights first(lowering the neck, and raising the bridge until they are similar). There is more string vibration near the neck pickup than on the bridge, which makes it sound louder.

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Great choice on the '57's!! If you're getting sound and the toggle works like normal, I doubt that it would be an issue with those. I would try adjusting the pickup heights first(lowering the neck, and raising the bridge until they are similar). There is more string vibration near the neck pickup than on the bridge, which makes it sound louder.



Yep you nailed it alright. It was a quick fix, only a couple minutes of tweaking. Now this Epi is a beast! Thank you for the tip!!

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I did the exact same mod... I wanted a 335 forever, but couldn't afford it - so I bought a Korean clone and put a 57 classic in it (for about the cost I paid for the guitar...LOL!) It sounds great. Still not a 335, but it certainly made a difference!

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I did the exact same mod... I wanted a 335 forever, but couldn't afford it - so I bought a Korean clone and put a 57 classic in it (for about the cost I paid for the guitar...LOL!) It sounds great. Still not a 335, but it certainly made a difference!


I too wanted a 335 forever and told my wife that I was thinking of doing the same thing, buying a Sheraton and modding with 57s. One night last year during dinner I was looking at an MF catalog while eating and she asked me which guitar I liked and showed her the 335. She asked if that was the one I wanted or the one I would settle for and change pickups. I pointed to the 335 and told her this was what the modified guitar would sound like. A couple minutes later she asked what guitar I really wanted and I told her an ES 355 and she asked to see a picture of one. I told her that that were discontinued in 1982 but were now only made as a custom order. She then asked what a custom order would cost, after seeing the price of a 335. I gave her a rough guess and said probably about $1500 more than the 335. That was the end of that conversation


Two days later at dinner she started the dinner conversation by telling me that I should just order the guitar that i really wanted. Six months later I got the guitar I had wanted for 35 years.


To her frustration, I recently told her that I'm still thinking of getting the Sheraton and the 57s and modding it anyway.

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