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Les Paul Recording Guitar Quality


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I'm considering my next big guitar purchase as a vintage Les Paul Recording guitar, but because of where I live I'd never find one in the area. Which means I'd have to just rely on the description to buy it (I know, not the greatest idea. But then again, I have had success with this on my other vintage guitar purchases). I was just wondering if anyone has some hands on with the recording guitars. If anyone knows if they are plagued by the bad quality of the gibson brand during the 70's.

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Yeahh. They were also the most expensive Les Paul you could buy at the time they were released. Hopefully that would mean that there was good quality control on them


I've had a couple of them, they were well made with the exception of the contol plate. If you step on your guitar chord just once, (as we all do!) you will most likely crack the control plate by the guitar jack, I reinforced mine as shown in the photo. The other thing to watch out for, is people altering the electronics. Try to get one that hasn't been tampered with. The last version, 1977 I believe, the guitar went back down to a standard Les Paul size with a maple top. It also changed the input jack to two jacks, one for hi impedance & one for low on the side of the bout of the guitar. This solved the control plate cracking issue. Most of these guitars are unusually heavy though. The photo is of a control plate for a Les Paul Triumph bass





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They began producing them at both plants in 1974,...you want to avoid the Nashville models and really aim for the Kalamazoo serial numbers,...I own one of each,(both Walnut first versions)...there is a difference, although slight, you can only see in a side-by-side comparison.


it's the feel and sound though,...the Kalamazoo is just bind-boggling amazing,...there is nothing like them smooth velvet IMO -Dave

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