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acceptable fret buzz


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I just got an Epiphone LP Junior and I'm not sure about how much its fret buzz is still normal. Could you please check the linked video and comment or post what you think about that?

I'd really appreciate your help.


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That's not really acceptable, I think. Needs a set up.





I just got an Epiphone LP Junior and I'm not sure about how much its fret buzz is still normal. Could you please check the linked video and comment or post what you think about that?


I'd really appreciate your help.





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I just got an Epiphone LP Junior and I'm not sure about how much its fret buzz is still normal. Could you please check the linked video and comment or post what you think about that?

I'd really appreciate your help.



That is pretty bad,


It looks like you should be able to raise the action pretty easily so I would try that, you won't harm anything

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Has the buzz been there since day one? Or did it just come on one day?


If it came on one day, then it was probably due to environment change and you just might need to adjust the truss bar.


I think it would be worth having it setup by a guitar tech.


Hope that helps.

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How those it sound when it's plug true an amp ? It's an electric guitar... it's sometimes buzz unplugged but sounded very well true an amp.


yes, that´s what i think as well. i set up my wildkat and standart myself. i put the action as low as i wanted it. 2 open string are buzzing very light but i can´t hear it plugged in.

but next time i change the strings i´ll put something under the nut to make it a tiny bit higher.

this very little buzzing doesn´t disturb me personally.

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The problem with fret buzz is that the noise is caused as the fret stops the string from vibrating at it's prefered amplitude and in effect "clips" the sound, so if you're not hitting the string harder than you mean to, zero fret buzz is the only acceptable condition

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