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Gibson Brands Forums

Bass Models

Hawaii Islander

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What's happening with the Gibson bass models for 2008? People on bass forums were startled to see only 2 basses being offered for 2008 on the Gibson.com website. The Thunderbird and SG Reissues are the only models listed. Will Gibson be offering more models later? If so, what models are they and, when can we expect to see them posted on Gibson.com.




Mike from Hawaii

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It would be my guess either Gibson is only offering the Thunderbird and SG this year or they haven't announced any other models yet. Like everyone else, Gibson changes models every year based sales of the previous year.


I would be surprised if the Les Paul "Money" and Thunderbird Studio basses are no longer being produced. I bought a GOW LP "Money" bass earlier this year and It's a great bass. We'll just have to wait and see.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I tried a money bass and a sg supreme bass at my gibson dealer last fall. I had fully intended to walk out with the sg bass. It was on ridiculous sale and the top looked so nice, but it was short scale and sounded really anemic compared to the money bass so i walked out with that one instead. The body is kinda small, but man what a punch that thing packs.

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