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for mr PM and the rest of y'all , but his band play this


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i think thats what james blunt did .... chop his off for his voice :D


does your singer do the mouth trumpet solo ?? now theres a challenge ... do that without laughing , its like tryin to whistle , i tried to do it for me and julio ( paul simons peado song ) and cant if someones watching

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Job done, a bit of a kerching evening.... had the CEO of Schroeders over telling us they wanted to book again for more corporate do's.


I'm now a sellout whore......



Hmm......tough call: Banker....or...rock star.....banker...or...rock star.......


(I think the rock star groupies are probably hotter than the banker groupies.)

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Hmmm not so sure, Nick, the amount of proper tidy women there tonight was extremely noted. Extremely.... msp_thumbup.gifmsp_thumbup.gif



The best of both worlds......


Actually, I know some pretty hot lawyers, too.....


(Of course, you don't want to try to get a divorce from one of those.)

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Nor my current squeeze so I probably shouldn't make too much of it... Yet i'd dare again say Extremely tidy. There are photos but it's probably not the platform...


???? :-s

yeah , not the platform.... lets see a pic of the grain on your bridge , or a close up of your latch on your case , mine slightly sticks and i wanna make sure yours is gonna stick too .

women?? no sir , not here , perish the thought!!


no sur ... Moe's dont want no moneys sur .... just a oolllldd rackin chair

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We had a guest singer too, some woman joined us for two songs, part fund accountant, part salsa teacher, no spring chicken but a totally rockin bod, looked a bit like an expensive Russian escort. She did Ain't no Sunshine and Sweet Dreams with us, reasonable enough singer too, mad as a box of frogs, fishnets and slashed skirt making it obvious there was no undies.


one from the setting up...




and some colourful pointy things...




some dancers



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The dancers are all employees of the bank who'd decided to put on a show, these were the less racy ones... some of the other outfits.. well lets just say a couple of them are probably going to get promoted this year :D


Corporate Do's BBG, there was always going to be an element of 'soulless' to it... However that one two-hour stint will cover a decent bit of gear we're looking to buy. To be fair, the CEO was a proper pleasant fella, a couple of the mid-tier execs were a bit chest-beaty, but there's always one or two who come over a bit of a tool , harmless enough though... As you say Easy Money... 21 songs, no breaks, no encores, no lingering about, back home with a pocket of cash.

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Dont you feel shameful PM that you are entertaining the very people that put the world in a crisis and wrecked so many lives ??? :rolleyes:


Hey man, just hanging with my homies... I heard first prize in the Tombola was the chance to reduce one of the Eurozone countries AAA rating to AA. There's a league table to see which exec can cost the most jobs.



Love the lighting set up btw [biggrin]


Haha, a bit of cheese, eh?

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Hey man, just hanging with my homies... I heard first prize in the Tombola was the chance to reduce one of the Eurozone countries AAA rating to AA. There's a league table to see which exec can cost the most jobs.


Is that hangin' with the homies or the hornies ?? [biggrin]

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Ah, so you got the J-200 out for a run, good one !


Yeah, used it the whole night, we were space limited as we had a smaller car on Saturday, so took this, spare strings and no backup... dropped a couple of the tunes I normally play open, comped through a couple others in Std rather than phaffing about.

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as you two have too many gibsons to choose from ... how do you decide which one is coming with you on that particular night ? any logic behind the choice for a gig or just plain 'umm , think i'll play this one tonight '



Normal logic: Take the J-45 & J-50, the cheapest ones, the most replaceable, less delicate build, no issue to get beat, dinged, scratched etc... Cheapest for repairs of frets etc, no neck binding and whatnot.. plus with both having fairly similar specs etc, there's no extra phaffing about with the sound. 1 guitar dropped a semi-tone, one in alternate tuning, normally DADEAD.


Saturday's logic: oops haven't had time to change the strings on the J-45, J-50's off for a setup, so a choice of the two posh ones, the SJ200TV & the Keb Mo, limited space, took the SJ. ..that and I wanted to try the SJ through our new setup, still finding the K&K pure mini a bit quiet and tame compared top the LRBaggs units I normally use. Couple of feedback issues while we were setting up etc... just not as beefy or aggressive as I'm used to, yet the guitar itself can be quite aggro if you dig in. My guess is the K&K would be pretty great as a solo instrument job, but maybe doesn't have the nuggets to fight against another strummer and a cajon.


As for having too many, I've thought that over the last wee while, cooling off on the JB to be honest, few things changing in the PM household too, so more guitars are definitely on the back-burner for the foreseeable.. Could be doing with less guitars to be honest. I'm a tidiness freak and just don't have the space anymore, no dedicated music room anymore. Ideally I'd only have 2-3, but it'd mean offloading quite a bit of gear yet, slowly getting there. Hoarding gear is something I've tended to do when not playing in a band or that, ended up with a stupid amount a while back, but working towards a modest few that I use a lot.

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As for having too many, I've thought that over the last wee while, cooling off on the JB to be honest, few things changing in the PM household too, so more guitars are definitely on the back-burner for the foreseeable.. Could be doing with less guitars to be honest. I'm a tidiness freak and just don't have the space anymore, no dedicated music room anymore. Ideally I'd only have 2-3, but it'd mean offloading quite a bit of gear yet, slowly getting there. Hoarding gear is something I've tended to do when not playing in a band or that, ended up with a stupid amount a while back, but working towards a modest few that I use a lot.


Yep, for this reason Ive decided to definitely get rid of the Songwriter, but it looks like it will go our lead guitarist so at least stays in the family.

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Yep, for this reason Ive decided to definitely get rid of the Songwriter, but it looks like it will go our lead guitarist so at least stays in the family.


Nice one. I'm always on the lookout for that unmissable model (aren't we all) but can't see me buying anymore gear unless it's replacing something. Anything coming in should only be if something's going out. I'll likely stick with the more aggro 45 & 50 for gigs, but love playing the SJ, so perhaps maybe stick something else in as a pickup. In an ideal worlsd I wouldn;t have 3 VS finished guitars too, wish the Keb Mo was a different colour and the SJ finished like JannusGuy2's. msp_thumbup.gif

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Nice one. I'm always on the lookout for that unmissable model (aren't we all) but can't see me buying anymore gear unless it's replacing something. Anything coming in should only be if something's going out. I'll likely stick with the more aggro 45 & 50 for gigs, but love playing the SJ, so perhaps maybe stick something else in as a pickup. In an ideal worlsd I wouldn;t have 3 VS finished guitars too, wish the Keb Mo was a different colour and the SJ finished like JannusGuy2's. msp_thumbup.gif


I know I sound like a Fishman rep here but the Matrix Infinity with the Aura Spectrum makes my J-150 sound like a monster plugged in, especially in a band setting. Worth considering.

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I know I sound like a Fishman rep here but the Matrix Infinity with the Aura Spectrum makes my J-150 sound like a monster plugged in, especially in a band setting. Worth considering.


Yeah if I'm going to make the SJ a guitar I'd play in a band setting it needs something more gutsy. On its own it sounds pretty nifty, but not quite up to the job of competing with the rest of the setup.

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