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ej200ce neck backbow straight outta the box


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Hello all,


I am a first time epiphone owner and first time poster to this forum. I recently ordered an ej200ce from an online retailer and when i pulled it out of the box and checked the straightness of the neck, it had a pretty good backbow. I know that factory setups can require tweaking, but i am concerned that there may be a deeper problem. Has anyone had any experience with back bowing necks on brand new guitars? Is it normal? I am no guitar tech but have always set up my own instruments so i relieved the neck but it just seems like something is a little off with it. I'm taking it to my tech tonight to see what he has to say, and although i do not want to, i may need to ship it back and get a replacement. I feel a little funny about a new guitar havinghaving that much stress and backbow on the neck straight out of the box. Any advice or words of wisdom? I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors, i typed this on my mobile. All suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks.

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This is only a personal opinion but I'd get it replaced. My EJ200CE was pretty much bang on in respect to setup straight out of the box and only needed minor tweaking, ditto my Dot Studio and my LP.


BTW Welcome to the forum msp_thumbup.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with Wiggy. A small amount, a tweaking in of the neck would be considered normal, but if it is severely back bowed, I would send it back for exchange. That kind of neck bow could indicate that it has endured a severe drying out, or over humidification, enough to bend the neck beyond normal. If that is the case, there could be other things wrong down the pike. Good luck. Be patient..a good guitar is worth the wait!

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Send it back, solid wood has a kind of memory and if the part of the tree it was cut from was growing crooked then it will likely have a tendency to want to go back to that shape. It's not a good idea to buy a guitar with out playing and giving it the once-over in the first place.

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Umm...I think first things first:ADJUST THE ROD!


Back-bow or not, the guitar doesn't have an issue until you have adjusted the truss rod-that's what it's there for.


If you loosen the rod to where it has no pressure and still is out of adjustment- THAT'S when you have a problem.


If you loosen the rod and you are able to achieve the correct adjustment, there is nothing wrong with it, obviously. There would be no reason to suspect there is because it arrived improperly adjusted.


THEN worry about a problem!

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