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What o you think about this deal (72 or 73 Les Paul Custom)


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I can get this for 2000 euros, (that's about 2600 dollars) plus my Gretsch 6120... They told me it's a 1972 but when I checked the pots the are from 1973... Seems to be all original and in pretty good shape for a 40 year old guitar.. Frets look good, original fretless wonders... Anyway here it is

















The bridge pick up needs work, it's low in volume, may need a rewind but they are the original pat. number sticker pickups... The neck pick up is fine and all the electronics.... I may have to change the high E string tuner, its very lose but works fine.


Has a small volute, which doesn't bother me at all, has the made in USA stamp too. It's Norlin era and has and pancake body although you really have to look hard to find any seams.


Do you think it's a good deal?

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I think it is a great guitar, I think most guitars are great guitars to someone. Is it great enough to dump 2600 plus a Gretsch on it? Only you know that. If I had 2600 bucks burning a hole in my pocket I'd be putting it to a new one, maybe even something custom shoppe-y. But that is just me, I don't really dig the whole vintage thing. I prolly played that one when it was new, I sure owned two early 70's customs and played a bunch more here and there, so I'm fairly familiar with those. A good guitar, is a good deal only if you want to part with the money for the priviledge of owning an old guitar, which is just as valid as any other reason to spend a lot on a guitar. I liked fretless wonders. Good luck with it, I hope you can sort it out and make the right choice for you.


Is a Gretsch 6120 onea them spensive 2 thousand dollar Gretsches? Unlike Bo, I do not know Gretsch at all.



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Seems like a bad deal unless you are in love with the guitar. Blue Book has a Gretsch 6120 (you weren't specific but the cheaper ones in good condition are worth about $1,500) and a 1973/1974 Les Pul Custom in good condition worth about $2,600. So a fair deal would seem your Gretsch and something close to $1,000. This is based on very limited information so take it for what it's worth.

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