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A bit of advice


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[biggrin] Hey there,new here


I just wanted to get some advice or opinions from Epiphone owners. I have decided to resume playing guitar after a 10 year absence (hand injury) & am currently looking at picking up one of the two Ephiphone SGs.


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I am just curious which is the better quality over all & better sound etc: A bit unsure about 3 pickups,used to just 2 & also just curious about the overall quality,sound wise,hardware,durability etc: etc: (I think I'm a being bit biased due to strictly owning gibsons in the past)


As for my style, blues to heavy rock.



Well Thanks for your time & knowledge

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Guitars in general have variation, even mass produced ones. Some that are supposed to be good are sometimes not and some that are dogs actually turn out not bad. That 3 pickup SG is a thing of beauty (well, so is the 2 p/u one) and could possibly be the better of the 2. :)

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I have both. You'll notice that besides Gibson and Epiphone, almost no one else makes HHH guitars; they're beautiful but a middle HB sounds nothing like it would in the bridge or neck slot. It's a bad location for an HB node-wise, the string vibrations are weaker there and an HB doesn't pick them up as well. That and having 6 coils lined up like sardines probably causes some magnetic field issues. What the rest of the guitar world went with for triple PU guitars is HSS and HSH, because single coils fare much better in the middle. Of the few guys with HHH guitars, most don't use the middle HB; it's there for looks.


You'd think Gibson/Epiphone would give more options with their HHH's, like a a 5-way switch and push-pulls for coil cut. That would give you a lot of tone choices, and make it a 'Super SG', something Gibson should have done 30 years ago to compete with the huge popularity of Super Strats.


There's also a problem with having enough space to pick, and most players have to reposition their right hand to find the very small spot where a pick fits between PU's.


I have one of the white SG Customs with a maestro vibrola. I got because it's one of the most beautiful guitars in the world. To get more use out of the middle slot, I went with an HB-sized P-90 there. I also rewired it for coil cut for the bridge and neck HB's, and out-of-phase, so I get about 30 PU combinations from it (not that I need, or would use all of them).


For 99 out of 100 players, they'll be much happier with an HH guitar instead of an HHH one. Which is why HHH's have never sold well.


The current production Epi SG Stds have upgraded PU's and push-pulls for coil cut, and are really a great value. You actually get more tones from it than an HHH SG Custom.

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[biggrin] Hey Peoples


Just wanted to give a quick thanks to people fot their opinions & Epi knowledge,much appreciated seeing as I am new to the Epi world. I actually ended up buying a used "Les Paul Studio Special Edition" (weird blue) in mint shape with a new hard shell case for $300. I am pretty impressed & surprised with it in all aspects.


Thanks again, Well off to annoy neighbours & ruin my hearing.

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I got into this a bit late - and you've already gotten the LP for what sounds like a great deal.


Now that you have it... do you have an amp of any sort? If you're not really yet a picker, I'd get something well under $200 to play with. There likely are at least three major schools of what you should get.


I'm in the "kiss" group that thinks a beginner should go for relatively minimum. I'm awfully happy with a 30-watt AE amp from Kustom that lets me record both voice and guitar and doesn't have much fanciness to the guitar side of the controls other than reverb and chorus.


School 2 for inexpensive: At the same price there are some small amps like the Fender Mustang series that are pretty inexpensive and offer various digital versions of amps and effects that likely are gonna be fine for a beginner to learn to play the guitar.


School 3 ignores price tags pretty much and would promote a tube amp at any cost as giving the best sound. Personally I tend against that for beginners or anybody else, including folks who are gigging. My rationale is that regardless of cost, the important thing is what the audience hears. In a group that requires "groupthink" to match power and sound of instruments and PA; and as a solo - unlikely given your guitar choice - it means a "whole" sound for an audience whether you're doing straight instrumental or instrumental and vocal.


BTW, I'd agree pretty much with what bluesmans335 had to say about the three pickup guitars. I'd note that if you look at most three-pickup guitars, the pups are farther apart, too.


Good luck with your new guitar. It sounds as if you have a bargain there - and as I tend to say, if it suits you, it tickles me plumb to death. My "baby" bro has an Epi LP and he could afford a Gibbie whatever. Sez it's the nicest playing guitar he's had his hands on - and he's been playing something over 20 years. (He's about 28 years younger than I am, which brings the "baby" bro. My "little" bro is over 60, btw.)



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[biggrin] Hey


Thank for the amp tips,actually grabbed a Fender Mustang 2 for now & must say pretty impressive little amp & lots of cool little features that i am not familiar with, but easy enough to learn. Is 40 watts & does the trick for me living in an apartment. Loud enough to get in trouble with (already have LOL).


I'm sure it will do me well until & if i get my chops up to par to start jamming with peoples & playing live again. If i get to that stage again, I will most definently be upgrading to a Orange head & Marshall 4x12 cab,served me well in the past.


As for the weird blue LP I got, I am very impressed with it overall. Too be honest I really was not expecting too much, due to always owning a Gibson or Fender & spending the bucks, But to be honest I really cannot tell, much of a difference in tone or quality so far. Pretty dam impressed with Epiphone so far.



Thanks again & chat later - Troy

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