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Posts posted by egoidealmusic

  1. Haha very true--no dogs and the kids are old enough to know better than get near my J-45 (they've plenty of other guitars they're allowed to play so I don't worry about them).  And I definitely had the honeymoon period, but the deep love has also kept on as she keeps sounding better as the top continues to open up.   

  2. 34 minutes ago, zombywoof said:

    Cool!  Those I have run across were nice guitars and the neck carves are deservedly well loved,  The it's a "keeper" thing reminded me of a time when I would put a new to me guitar in a stand at night so it was the last thing I saw before closing my eyes and the first thing I saw in the morning when opening them.  Over the past years though I found I no longer get emotional about guitars.  While it makes it easier to avoid acquiring anything new as well as parting with those I own, I kind of miss it.

    My J-45 is always right next to the chair I have my morning coffee in and my late night bourbon in, so it's definitely the first and last thing I see (other than my lady) and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  3. I've used the AD-2 and really liked it.  Jinder is right that the AD-10 is a much more advanced and fancier pedal, but if you are going for a pretty straight forward sound (i.e. you're not using the chorus and other stuff) I think it's great.  Obiously, much cheaper, too, and if you're surrounded by a band they're probably filling up a lot of the sonic space. Just my 2 cents.

  4. I'd echo what some others have said here in that unless it's wildly off give it a little time to settle into it's new environment.  It's amazing what even a week will do to a neck in a new setting (new heat, new humidity, etc.).  If it's still way off in a week, take it back to where you got it and either have them adjust it or return it.  You could have gotten a clunker, or it may just need to settle into its new home.

  5. 5 hours ago, Dave F said:

    I’ve completely switched to them. Look at apollopicks.com 

    I’ve also started using the Fender grips on them. 



    Dave, what pics are you using in these covers now?  I'm considering trying them and I use a 60mm pic but wasn't sure what size to buy.  

  6. So, to update all, Dave F sent me these amazing white wood pins.  They're sill standing a bit proud and need a touch more sanding (once the blisters from getting them here ease up), but they sound absolutely amazing.  The soften the sharp highs and really bring out the beauty of each string--exactly the way that ebony pins do.  Sorry the picture isn't that great, but you cn see that they really fit the bill of keeping the nice off white look while bringing more wood to the game.  Can't thank Dave enough!!!


    Good people here on this forum, and I'm honored to be here!

    Dave's pins.jpg

  7. 3 hours ago, QuestionMark said:

    I am not a physical therapist or a doctor.  But, perhaps, the mistake was playing the new guitar for an extended period of time (two hours) that you have just acquired with a different neck shape than are accustomed to, too soon.  Playing any different guitar, with a neck shape or action that one is not yet really accustomed to for two hours, prior to one’s hand building up getting used to and accustomed to, the new shaped neck, before muscles and bones and joints have a chance to get used to and accustomed to it, potentially could result in a sore hand.  As you have indicated you have arthritis, all the more chance this could happen it would seem.   

    I do not know the return policy on your guitar in terms of if it gives you a risk-free return chance to have the time to give you that chance.  Especially with the step backward now of having to give your hand some healing time from the initial extended play.  But,  reshaping the neck seems like a very drastic step with no guarantees and potentially seriously devaluing the resale of the guitar.  

    Even if you did reshape the neck, I would still suggest when you get it back, still taking some time to get used to it’s then new neck to build up, to playing it for an extended time if your hand will allow it.

    I have been through some forms of physical therapy or self physical therapy and building up tolerances to get used to and accustomed to certain physical movements often takes patience and a near daily focus on building endurance strength.   My suggestion is to also ask your doctor if there is any physical therapy exercises you can be directed to for this or a similar circumstance of building up hand endurance in view of the arthritis, if you have not already done so. Or even checking out hand physical therapies on YouTube…although I assume you already have consulted a professional or done a self study.  But, I can’t help but think that two hours on any new guitar shaped neck is an extended period  for anyone without the benefit of the hand getting used to or accustomed to the neck.

    Just my thoughts.  But, again, I am not a physical therapist or doctor.

    QM aka “Jazzman” Jeff




    I'd second this.  I have a 50s J-45 and it has a really chunky neck (I'm guessing like the one you initially had), and while I don't have the same medical issues (yet) it took my hand a good while to really get used to it.  I absolutely love how it feels and plays, so it's usually what's next to me.  I will, though, put it up and pull out my American Eagle LG which has, by comparison, a really slender neck to play for a few days.  When I switch back to the J-45, the neck feels absolutely huge again.


    I'd play on it a little let--maybe 30 minutes a pop--for the next few days just to see if you adjust to it.  If not, and you love the guitar and how it sounds in every other way, and you don't imagine trying to sell it later, get that neck shaved down!


    If I ever get the point where the neck is causing me pain this is exactly what I'll do.

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