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Posts posted by egoidealmusic

  1. 27 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    So you don’t understand it, yet there is one to you think looks good. So you do understand it.

    Gibson is not marking itself to younger folks. Dave is 60 years old. Not exactly a young-in.

    Gibson in targeting doctors and lawyers and dentists that can afford 5k and up guitars without blinking an eye.

    Haha yeah, there is one, but it's got nothing to do with Cheryl Crow--just a fantastic looking guitar.  

    And you mihgt be right about who they're targeting, but the Megadeth model isn't quite hitting that demographic, I'd think.  Thought maybe there are some metalhead dentists!

  2. I have to admit that I don't understand the signature guitar thing (though if I was going to plunk money down that Cheryl Crow model looks fantastic).  I assume Gibson is targeting younger folks or something, but most of the models just seem like overpriced versions of standard guitars  with a little extra bling.  The Woody Guthrie model from a number of years ago?  Ok, I can see that, perhaps., but the rest just seem, I don't know, silly.  I mean, a Dave Mustaine from Megadeth ACOUSTIC?  What in the holy hell...



  3. I love that this thread started as a lament about dead strings but has become a celebration of dead strings!  I'm with you, every time I try out new strings I think "I'll have to wait 3 months before I can tell."


    Thery're not quite old enough, but I'm very much digging these well worn in Sunbeams.  Thanks to the forum for suggestion!

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  4. Looks like a 1957 and from the pics in pretty good shape (can't really tell from the limited pictures).  Not worth a million bucks, but definitely a sweet looking guitar!

  5. I've played both.  I own a 2021 50s J-45 and a buddy of mine owns a 2019 standard (not exact years, but pretty close), and I very much prefer the 50s--and so does he!  There's a bit darker of a sound to the 50s that I just love (and I think you can hear it in that clip).  I don't know if the chunkier neck has anything to do with it or if it's the bone saddle and nut instead of the tusq his has.  Can't recommend the 50s more!

  6. Is "Rosewoo" how it would have been written instead of "Rosewood"???  Also, it may be that the guitar is just extremely dried out (many other signs of that), but it looks like the bridge was removed and glued back improperly.  Good friend of mine has a J-35 that a GC butchered on repair that looks just like that. 😞

  7. Thanks, all.  I'm looking for the mellowing sound that ebony has, which is more important than the aesthetics to me.  The current pins are--I think--Tusq.  White, and you can see production lines (i.e. from a mould) on them.  Definitely harder than plastic, but I just can't be sure.  The nut and saddle were apparently originally Tusq and have been replaced with bone, so that's why I'm assuming Tusq (the Gibson page says nothing about them).  The maple pins just look too much like the color of the top, but I might try them as it's an inexpensive start before paying for Ivory or bone.

  8. Wondering about your thoughts on pins that might have the sound of ebony pins (a mellower sound) but that are white.  My new LG-2 has plastic pins which I want to replace and I like the sound of ebony but want to keep the white aesthetic look.  Don't want to make it sound brighter so definitley not Tusq. 🙂

  9. For orginal "old time" I think of the Carter Family playing "No Depression" through Doc Watson.  But I could also think of something like certail Uncle Tupelo songs (like their cover of "No Depression") that were conjuring that sound.  No help at all, but just a thought.

  10. It would be an LG-3 back in the day, but it's a 2014 American Eagle LG-2--the sunburst version is the Americana.  Doing some research it seems there were two versions of the American Eagle: one without a pickguard with vintage style white button tuners and one wtih a teardrop guard with all metal tuners--not sure which came first.  I got it at Reverb for less than $1500 and, like I mentioned, it seems that it was barely played since it came off the factory floor 8 years ago.

  11. E-minor7 they seem pretty organic to me--no complaints about the texture of the pattern, only saying that it's a lot more red than the Gibson fire stripe (or tiger stripe or whatever).  That is, it's a beautiful pattern, I just worry that it wouldn't look good with this natural top with how red the stripe is.  Like I said, with a redder sunburst like there is on the RK it looks great, but I'm concered it would be way too orange on this guitar.

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