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Everything posted by gibsonchiq

  1. The Murphy is supposed to be a different finish entirely from the banner
  2. i live close to bozeman and i was curious if it was possible to go up there and buy guitars direct from the factory or if they had an official gibson showroom full of badass guitars or if there was a tour you can sign up for etc I searched on google and as of 3 years ago the answer is no to both. but its been 3 years so i thought id ask. i called gibson bozeman as well but nobody picked up the phone
  3. So in order of largest sound deepest bass 1. AJ 2. J-45 3. Sj200 ?
  4. Well my mind is blown. I thought the j200 was the answer to Martin's big dreadnaughts. So is a J45 Gibsons loudest and rumbly guitar?
  5. J200 not known for being extra loud? I thought they were known for being the absolute loudest and biggest sounding guitars gibson makes, and also of all guitars
  6. Is the legend series even higher caliber than the CS banner or Murphy lab guitars made today?
  7. Firstly, I guess would Gibson even make an SJ 200 with 24.75 scale? Secondly, where is the master list of possible options? I googled how to custom order from gibson, and everyone is saying that you have to contact your local dealer. does this mean that the local dealer has an updated spreadsheet with all the different possible options?
  8. If you look at an old Gibson from the 30s and 40s, the tip of the headstock gets slimmer and slimmer as it goes up. How come they don't recreate that in the reissues they are putting out? Bozeman seeming to put a lot of effort into recreating everything about the old guitars but not this one.
  9. I played some of those cheap martins also, they were also pretty bad
  10. i was at guitar center the other day and there were some epiphone acoustics that were unlocked. i picked up a few different ones, their version of the hummingbird, their version of a j45, and their version of the sj-200. on all three, they sounded suuuuuuper plastic. almost like they weren't real guitars. like they were toys at the flea market. I was especially surprised at the SJ200. it sounded not any different than the other guitars, which are noticably smaller. the volume was very low on all three and very plastic sounding. is the best way i can describe it. I realize that epiphones arent built to the same degree as gibsons, but i figure that theyre still made out of wood... or are they? are they not wood?
  11. If you buy new from Gibson there's always that tag on the case handle. At least on all the guitars I've purchased they have been there
  12. It always comes on every Gibson case. https://imgur.com/gallery/zO3XChX
  13. Hey everybody, I just bought a Historic Collection Custom Shop Southern Jumbo (1942 banner) reissue. Does anybody know what happens if you clean/polish the Thin Finish Nitrocellulose, VOS finish it comes with? Does it turn the guitar into a completely different glossy look?
  14. Are you saying not many people on here buy new guitars? What makes you say that?
  15. the olivia rodrigo purple l-00 would be an amazing signature model. Gibson if you're in this forum ☝️
  16. I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube and it seems like the generation variant of the guitar always seems thinner than the regular versions. I think the generation has a physically slimmer body as well, which Mike make up for that difference I guess
  17. I know the aesthetic differences. Bird is square shoulder and has the different pickguard. Are there any other differences in regards to tone or otherwise gel between these two guitars? What constitutes the price difference?
  18. Can't find the answer to this on the Internet. Anybody here using this strap with Lr baggs vtc?
  19. I am in the same boat as you. I've got an LG 2 and an l00 and I have a baby Martin. I've always wanted a Martin, but I've never found any that I like, like not even close. I was at guitar center today and I played the Martin 000, hoping that I would like it. But I didn't at all. It was very sterile and it just sounded lifeless.
  20. for what its worth. recently i was able to play an actual 1933 L-00 and the Murphy Labs reissue was the better sounding guitar, at least against the real 1933 i played.
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