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Posts posted by badbluesplayer

  1. I've worn through a few sets of Nanowebs and I like them.  Not sure if I'll stick with them.  I have a couple sets left.

    They're a little less squeaky.  That's good.

    I usually wear strings out by mashing through the windings.  These strings are nice and smooth against the frets for awhile until I wear through the coating - which doesn't take long - and then they're like normal strings, with the steel winding grinding against the frets. Then I keep using them until the windings wear thru.  It's like the same routine, only slower.

    Like any other strings, if you could buy all the sets you wanted, that'd be great.  But it's not that simple.

  2. 14 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    See folks the Forum is also a place to get important public service information - like the pandemic is over. Here in SC, I don't think they think it ever existed. I'm fine its just a cold, we got happy hour to get to. Maude, grab the dog, and the Yeti mugs, and start the golf cart we're gonna to miss Happy Hour, and we will the laughing stock of the Shaggers. That is some kind of dancing old drunks do here in North Myrtle.

    I met my wife in Myrtle Beach.  She was vacationing with one of her girlfriends Billie.  I should have known right then what was going to happen....

  3. On 9/18/2022 at 3:48 PM, Sgt. Pepper said:

    That is the most ridiculous thing ever. If you live out in Nowheresville, and no people are around where you live, and you go the the General Store to get something, and a person has Covid there, and coughs in your direction,  and you have no mask on, what does it matter if you have more space that those uppity Northerners? This is a world health issue not a Dem/Rep or North/South issue.

    Sorry to offend.  I'm not a north/south antagonist.  I'm a northerner with 27 years down here behind enemy lines, so the Mason Dixon line is just a place to fold the map to me.  He was just talking about the pipefitters he works with doing industrial construction.  Guys who work in teams in close contact.  Had nothing to do with any pandemic or anything else.  It IS kind of true. No?  I mean guys from Jersey are all like 2 inches from you just to say hi, and TN people kind of give you more space, right?  You're not all northy-southy, are you, lol?

  4. 2 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

    Yep...  As Sgt.Pepper wrote - this is relatively new.   Sort of reminds me of HIV:  Scientists and Govt were confused, media kept it quiet for the first few years.   Since it affected a different demographic and was transmitted in a different way -  and we were less suspicious back then - keeping it on the download was handled without much pushback.   Took 50 years to see Big Pharma come out with tv commercials advertising pills for it.  I wonder if they actually researched scientifically to get there, or if they accidentally stumbled on a cure - for example while trying to make chewing gum last longer.    

    BBP -  I've never met a medical doctor I didn't trust, and I've met many.  My concern is with the ones who, in spite of the M.D. after their name, do not see patients - and get wound up in the politics of medicine.  And eventually, whether it is in Research,  Medical Schools, Lobbying or  simply making and selling drugs and supplies - the cash causes them to forget the "First, do no harm." part of their oath.    Not sure if Dr. Mengele took the Hippocratic oath. 

    Your statament is literally an HIV/nazi sandwich with usual ranty fillings.  You guys must all get your science from the same TV channel.  Anyway, yay for scienceatation!

  5. 1 hour ago, Larsongs said:

    I have friends & family who have died from Covid. Some had the Vaccine.. Some didn’t. Doesn’t seem to make a difference.

    It makes a gigantic difference in your chances of both hospitalization and death.  Gigantic.  But that's only here on earth, lol.  Not that you need any help thinking it thru...  😉

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  6. 5 hours ago, Murph said:

    Never vaxed.

    Never put a mask on. Worked in Ky. where they were quick to pass anti mask legislation, and our company was anti mask/anti lockdown anyhow.

    Didn't miss a single day's work.

    Never tested so don't know if I ever had it.

    Local control of that stuff worked out pretty well for everybody involved.

    My brother in law works at Eastman Chemical with lots of people from all over.  He said that they realized that southerners are used to having more personal space and the northerners are all in each others' face all the time.  It's pretty true, lol.

  7. My niece and her husband and kids came for a visit last year and the husband was all jacked out about how the Government is all this and that about COVID and tells us how he quit his aircraft maintenance job over it.  He's all ashamed of himself and what he's done to his wife and kids - quitting his job.  WTF does this guy think when he starts whining to a small private employer?  The guy is ex military and he has few options outside of Govt. work.  But he's too stubborn to work for a living cause he can't play by the rules. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, sparquelito said:

    I'm close to your situation, murph.
    Sort of.  In spirit. 
    Had to work, in flight test operations, so I never locked-down. 
    I might have 'tele-worked' five or six times in the past few years. 

    My government flight test agency has had to play the same games that the rest of the military is forced to endure, so we go weeks where we pretend to wear masks. 
    And then when some nebulous covid infection rates go back down, we continue on happily without the pretense. 

    I took the jab, and later the booster, dutifully. 
    Thinking that the government would make it difficult for me if I didn't (I was right, by the way), and also because my wife's daughter refused to come visit us unless we vaxxed. 
    In the end, she never came down from New York anyway, and I feel kind of stupid about it all now. 

    As I said before, I will never take the jab ever again. 
    Too many risks, too many unknowns about the side effects of the thing, and I'm just plain weary of it all. 

    My decision to retire and go on Social Security here (in exactly 104 days) has been influenced strongly by all the shenanigans and monkeyshines that go on at work, re; the covid nonsense. 
    A lot of other factors at play, of course. 
    I'm tired of working. 
    I'm increasingly more fearful of flying the helicopters at test altitudes. 
    Less days ahead of me than behind me, and I want to relax a bit, for the first time in my life. 

    But the covid hijinks figure strongly in my decision to hang it up. 
    At home and on my land, nobody can make me wear a mask, and nobody asks me for my covid vax papers. 

    You just say stuff.

    • Like 1
  9. 16 hours ago, gearbasher said:

    Of course I don't know for sure. I'm just making a common sense assumption. Same as I believe the vaccines don't work. These are just assumptions based on what I'm seeing / reading / experiencing.  I'm far from being "qualified" enough to state facts. And, it seems that most of the health care "professionals" don't look too qualified either.

    They have actual experts who go to college three times over before they give medical advice.  They're called doctors.  I'm an engineer and doctors are like gods to me.  But I've been in bad trouble before where I really needed them.

    The truth is very sciency.  If you believe vaccines don't work then you are either not able to understand it or you're just full of baloney.  And it's not that hard to understand.

    • Like 4
  10. 1 hour ago, sparquelito said:

    The unusually  wide left-and-right limits of symptoms across the population, in my opinion, speak to a man-crafted virus, with targeted victim DNA outcomes. 


    I think they tracked the origin to two specific places in the wet market over there using some kind of sciency stuff, no?

    • Like 1
  11. 12 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    My wife didn't loose her smell or taste, but her brother did. Her other brother got it and I can't remember if he did or not. Our sister in law got it too. Both did at Mickyworld, go figure. My sister in law was over about three weeks after she got it and she was getting winded walking across the room. 

    I lost my salt taste buds when I caught it the first time.  Just the salt ones on the side of the tip of my tongue.  Then one day a couple months later they came back all of a sudden.

    I could smell and taste just fine this time.  I could actually smell the inflammation in my nostrils this time.

  12. So I got COVID at a John Hiatt concert where you couldn't hear Sonny Landreth, and that's why I went there in the first place.  That was a month ago.  The COVID lasted almost 3 weeks and now I'm all fogged out.

    But it's just a recreational buzz compared to the seizures I had eight years ago, lol.  I'm tired and lazy.  My guitar playing is just awful.  It's like neurological flatlining.  Fun, but not really.

    I think I just need to work my way out of it.  Meanwhile I'll just, uh, drink coffee.

    • Like 1
  13. My HS English teacher Mrs. Bruhler said something like "The critical reader is obligated to try to understand the writer and what they're trying to say before making judgements about the writing."  👍

    I had an Engineering professor who smoked cigars in class.  Marvin Gates.  One time when a couple of kids slunk into class late he goes "I can tell the A students from the Z students the minute they walk into class."  😆

  14. On 9/11/2022 at 10:11 AM, Murph said:

    Very, very cool.

    You know I'm a vintage tube guy from way back. Still have hundreds of NOS tubes from my early hoarding days. I would hit every shop in every town on trips dating back to the late 80's when I realized there were limited supplies and "tubes to be found".

    I loved those old amps, not for the distortion that was so popular, but for the warmth and ultra-dimensional tones I was hearing. So, even at moderate drive, I could "feel" the tone. Like I was connected to it.

    I had a 1957 bassman combo basketcase once, I sold it to Naked Clarke at the Tele forum many years ago. He restored it completely.

    I still have an old Champ, that he actually brought back to specs and put a Weber in for me. And my Prosonic and Blue Angel. And I've been an acoustic player for quite some time.

    I appreciate what you do, man.

    Good job.

    Thanks, I appreciate to compliment.  I know you're a tube guy from forever.

    I did amp repairs for almost ten years and I quit during the pandemic.  It got to be too much trouble getting involved with a lot of musicians' bad decisions, lol.

    I said it before, the pandemic was the best time to go out of business in like 100 years, so why not go with the flow?  😁

  15. 15 hours ago, Murph said:

    Some of you voted for this...

    I'm independent, and it seems like you guys' side are conditioned to ruin your relationships with other people you'd normally be friends with just to do somebody else's bidding.  Like grist in somebody else's mill.  Conditioned to take things personally that everybody else takes as respectful discourse, and entitled to grind that axe down to a stub.

    You have leaders who act like they're driving a bumper car, smashing off every guard rail and bashing into each other and everybody else, with their hands off the wheel, yelling "Eff you, eff me!"

    I have friends like that.  It's getting worse.  They don't know whether to yell at everybody or just drive onto an abutment.


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