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Posts posted by BluesKing777


    Not really buying anything so it doesn't matter - we are all saving our own skins here in lockdown...

    The shop near me with lots of acoustics to try is shut for the duration but they have a couple of Collings I would love to try. ( I have my Waterloo WL-14X and WL-14L - L-00 shape with 1 3/4" nut and 2 3/8" bridge spacing which is pretty well comfortable for my fingerpicking, also my Cargill custom and 2 Martin OMs with the same!) The shop has what is called a Collings C10-35, which is also a L-00 shape with 1 3/4" nut but a slightly narrower 2 5/16" bridge spacing and.....very expensive! They will happily sell it online only at the mo but not to this duck - not without playing first even if I had the cash.😏  Collings also make a J45 type shape called a CJ35, again with 1 3/4" nut and 2 5/16" bridge spacing but I have never seen one here. I would love to try both - Collings have a good reputation for getting it 'right'! You could not have surprised me more a while back when I noticed my Waterloos are bolt on necks, like all Collings guitars. I assume they were trad dovetails because they imitate old Kazoos, but no. I haven't noticed anything peculiar with a bolt on ....





  2. 21 hours ago, slimt said:

    Yup.  Same as before.   It would be nice if they were exact to what there suppose to represent.  But that old tooling from the Ren days will last for ever.  I cant imagine Gibson retooling for accurate historic guitars.   But look at the bright side.  Prices went up .  For what?  Not sure . 


    I am glad I am not the only one seeing it!

    Does anyone know how they (Gibson, Ren F) arrived at 1.72 for the modern Gibson nut spacing? Split the diff between 1.69 and 1.75? A guess that keeps on guessing? Anyone?






    Thanks Nick.....yeah, I guess I am a bit disappointed with the website spec sheets of the guitars I am interested in.. the new Banner LG2 - with 1.69" nut, the new original L-00 with 1.72 and slim taper and brown guard instead of firestripe, the Banner J45 with 1.72"

    I mean - if that LG2 had a real Banner fat neck 1 3/4" and a nice fat V, well I could just possible swim there to get one! Same for the L-00! Same for the J45 Banner. Torrefy the tops a bit if you want, Mr G.

    But if we go by the specs, well the new models are just the same as the old with different paint n' paper.







    Website specs for the 42 SoJo say 1.77" (44.95mm)/ 19 frets.

    Odds are high for that neck with 20 frets above is a standard modern Gibson 1.72"!!!

    Anyone else get the feeling the new specs are just the old specs with a new name?

    I was interested in the 42 Banner J45 but not any more - the website specs say the nut is 1.72". Shouldn't it be 1.75"?

    My 2002 J50 is probably closer to the Banner spec...😐






    Another gadget punching way above its weight is my Boss VE8.

    The Shure SM58 sounds terrific, no drama, just add reverb, lots of level, plug your guitar with pickup in the other channel, balance the volumes to suit. Boxes like these make you forget how useless a 58 was to record with once. It also has 3 or 4 ways of getting the sounds OUT - XLR x2 for stereo, mono if u want, 1/4” x 2 for stereo or mono, and USB out.





  6. 46 minutes ago, PatriotsBiker said:

    I'm supposed to have good pre-amps in my UAD X6. Very low noise, too. Much better than I had with the UAD USB Twin.

    I do have a way to sent a miked signal into a Session SI/PreAmp. I can go line-in on the UAD Apollo. Perhaps I'll try that sometime soon.


    I meant something like this:

    Behringer Tube Ultragain MIC100 Microphone Preamp


    Cheap and cheerful but your 57 will sound incredible with just a little gain and volume BEFORE you go in the X6.

    A funny little stand alone thingy could be nice to use on your guitar amp’s mic channel to fix the 57 as well. (If you have an acoustic amp). And you would get a surprisingly different sound if your guitars have a factory pickup! It has a little tube in the preamp.






    Warning! The Shure SM57 and 58 are exactly the same internally, but with different cover for vocals (58) and loud instrument (57).

    All you really need is to use a fairly clean preamp on your 57 before plugging to your mixer. I have my little Allen and Heath 4 channel mixer with great input preamps and gain, for the money. Few hundred bucks! More useful than a lazy preamp sitting there!But even a cheapie Behringer preamp will do the trick.

    (many years back, I bought a new fangled at the time Tascam digital 8 track mixer and recording with the old 57 was absolutely useless. No level, more hiss than a black snake. Took it back and wanted my money back. The guy plugged in some other mic he had and of course, it was beautiful. No hiss, plenty of level. Hmmm. He asked what mic I was using........Tascam still in a box in a cupboard somewhere........).

    So sort out a cheapie preamp for the 57 and then record your Bird with the 57 facing your guitar lower bout.....guaranteed fab!





    Well, you know, just because I like the Neumann KM184 doesn’t mean you will....a great brand but they may have others to suit better.....a Neumann TLM102 perhaps? A bit cheaper too. One I would like next is the stage model Neumann KMS105, to do the same things I mentioned I use the Shure SM58 for. Even though it is a stage design, it is still a great mic and it might suit you more than a KM184? Also a bit cheaper.... (on Heart Of Gold live, Neil Young and a cast of many had 105s everywhere including lead vocal!).





  9. 9 hours ago, PatriotsBiker said:

    You've described that KM184 before. I guess that's the hazard of small room recording is the sensitivity of some mics pick up everything that might have otherwise dispersed into bigger spaces.

    I agree about the smaller bodies being easier to record, generally speaking. In the past, I could not even play a Les Paul unplugged without getting modal ringing. More my latest, which had a whole different sonic goal, I close miked both the HB and SJ-200 with a mic from my Rodes MP5 - similar shape to your 184, but much cheaper and less sonically pleasing. It was the exact opposite of what I needed for a mix, but the mission was to play with warm tones after the past decade of shrill. 


    I have a number of Rodes mics including a tube K2, a NT1A and a pair of the NT5s (same shape as the KM184).

    I honestly have not touched them since I bought  the Neumann KM184.....the 184 records acoustics just how I want.  With vocals, I like my old, old Shure SM58 run to my Boss VE8 with a bit of its reverb/delay and a guitar with a decent pickup in the other (Boss) channel. I like singing right into the Shure SM58 to get the old fashioned proximity effect - if you get too close to a KM184 when singing, you could pop a meter or even a rivet!




    Thanks KC!

    Yep, I was playing it for a while, just put it down when the guy out the back fence got his brushcutter out, and something has just ‘clicked’ with the guitar. The glue has finally dried after 13 years? Who knows?  It is Good Friday morning here and I am about to have some fresh hot cross buns that I braved the Virus for to go to the bakery! And then I am going to plug the BK in!






    Thanks PB!

    I have to tell you I put the mic in front and pressed record. That was all. The Neumann KM184 was a great buy for my purposes, though I did have to hold my breath as I was playing so I don’t get loud ‘plosives’. ......couldn’t do another verse.😁 The L-00 and other small body guitars are way easy to record, no boomy bass to fight off.

    I would have liked to be a fly on the wall when someone decided at Gibson to use Bubinga on the Blues King. It is just not a very common wood in guitars and why use it on an L-00, bastion of small body mahogany-ness? You know, did a load of Bubinga fall off a truck? Or did they make Bubinga L-00 prototypes and blew everyone away? Hmm, I have a suspicion someone said: “Use that wood over there in the corner up!”

    Oh yeah, another thing - in England they call the toilet the “Loo”, so they are fine with L1 or even an L0 or L2, but L-00......?







    Thanks Nick!

    Guitar is lucky 13 years old now and really seems to be coming into its own. It is the strange choice of Bubinga/Sitka.

    It all re-affirms the uneducated choice I made by...feel, when buying the L-00. Yesterday morning I shuffled a few guitars around the rack and guess what popped up?





  13. 53 minutes ago, j45nick said:

    Yes, it is.

    You wonder if there is anyone there with a real awareness of Gibson history. How can they get most things right on a guitar, and other things glaringly wrong?

    But they do, every single day, it seems.


    Gibson have the new Glitch Department.....😠





  14. 18 hours ago, generaldreedle said:

    I'm learning blues fingerpicking from a teacher in Seattle, including this song, Let the Mermaids Flirt with me, and Windy and Warm.  It's hard but fun, particularly on the Nick Lucas!


    That is great, General, keep it going...

    But it is not much help in the purpose of this thread - for people to teach themselves using downloaded lessons while they can’t leave their house and go to a teacher.






    Well, first you have to spend the $25 and download the lessons, watch the lessons, listen to the lessons and then  do it....😎

    Here is the sample from another course:




    And another:




    So you pay the man, download the lesson and they give you 8-10 songs to learn in each lesson with the aim of getting a good grounding in the style, alternating bass with the thumb going boom chick, boom chick and then adding notes when you get the basic bit.

    You watch the video, kind of like watching a real teacher, do what he tells you and there is paperwork included with the arrangements of the songs and lyrics for those that like to have  it printed for later on. And you can't smell the teacher's bad breath and he can't hit you on the knuckles with a ruler...

    I put the John Hurt lessons up because they are pretty basic and way more interesting than just learning C chord boom chick, boom chick, boom, crash, bang, ouch, ouch, ouch, ow!







    Good a time as any to get some basic fingerpicking going! Turn your singing/playing into a one man band like Mississippi John Hurt with some alternating bass in ..C!





    If you want to go back to the beginning, Stefan Grossman Guitar Workshop has heaps of Hurt lessons to download.... no affiliation but I love them!:







  17. 8 hours ago, J45fan said:


    I would love a L2 in Argentine Grey, 12 fret , Gold sparkle binding and Rosette as Legend/ Historic CS reissue. 





    We truly are in Dreamland now!

    How will you get them to make that when they can't seem to do the famous 30s plain black with firestripe L-00?



    Or the famous 30s Tux L-00s? 14 and 12 fret!



    Instead they come up with a modern spec Blues King in black with a brown guard, modern neck and nut size....when did Gibson ever make a 30s L-00 like that? They really should be running these designs past Mark Agnesi, instead of the marketing department.




  18. 1 hour ago, slimt said:

    They made some of those for the Japanese Market.  They also did a L2 but with a round bottom. Totally wrong. 


    My pawn shop buys - 2002 Gibson J50 and my 2005 Dove cherry were possibly made for Japan. The seller had traveled back and forth to Japan for business, and I am guessing, BUT I have never, ever, ever seen a J50 or a cherry Dove of any shape or size here! I bought the Dove first last year, then went back when the J50 came up for sale later - I was real quick!


    I hope the guy bought some L-00s there!😎










  19. 6 hours ago, j45nick said:


    The AJ you bought in 2013 was a direct copy of one of Gary Burnette's guitars. There is an archived thread here about that model, or you can search for it online.  I don't know if yours is a two-tonebar guitar or a three-tonebar guitar. Tom Barnwell said back then that Gary's guitar was probably  a prototype AJ, since it had two tonebars, while the production run of AJs in 1936 had three tonebars. Tom owns at least one of those original three-tonebar  AJs from the 1936 production run.

    Your 2013 AJ was basically the equivalent of  Legend-series Gibsons, including the J-45 and L-OO Legend models. Several of us here have those.

    Those were built  before top torrefaction, which is a great addition on the Historic Series models, even if they punt on some historical details. All the AJs have theoretically been copies of Gary's AJ, but construction details have not all been period-correct.

    All in all, those new ones look like nice models with decent specs and OK prices.


    The small body lovers are feeling a bit short changed - so far a LG2 Banner RI but with a skinny nut and a L-00 Deluxe in Rosewood...

    What about a reissue of the reissue L-00 Legend, Gibson?😒

    Or an (exact) reissue of a 32 in Tux!

    Or an (exact) reissue of a black Nick Lucas?

    And a banner LG2 with a baseball neck!

    Or just a plain old 37 L-00 in black with a firestripe guard?

    Or the 12 fret L-00?

    etc, etc.






    I found my 2005 Gibson Dove at a pawn shop going cheap because someone wrote on it with texta and the guitar body is heavily worn in places, dove worn off, not a huge lot of saddle left..... It must have been played by someone who only knew "G" or only played open strings or something - the neck is seemingly untouched. Weird. yes but I have seen a local girl singer play like that fronting a band....So the guitar gets all the wear of road use but not a huge lot of play use!!! Go figure.

    Anyway, a square dread is not my usual kind of guitar - prefer L-00 and 00 size guitars. But it was cheap and it was there a long while and I have never owned a cherry red burst, so...played it, bought it, last year. The ad said it had a 'Baggs pickup'. It is a wonderful full model Baggs Anthem!!! Worth a lot in my neck of the woods.

    It is tight for my fingerpicking in truth but I have enjoyed the maple! Clear and well spoken! And it is staying because it is great for Neil Young tunes etc, of all surprises.










  21. 3 hours ago, uncle fester said:

    I'll reply bk - sounds as good as always, good stuff.  I have a slide challenge for you though... come up with something that makes me think of a bad@ss sherrif in the midwest, riding a horse on a dusty prairie.  Think you could come up with something?


    Na, been done. See Roy and Trigger.

    What about a car with......




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