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Posts posted by saturn

  1. So every year, 3 or 4 of us spend Memorial Day Weekend out in the mountains of Cumberland Maryland at a bluegrass festival called Delfest. We always camp along the main road with railroad tracks behind us.  There's a lot of foot traffic going back and forth all day and night and we always chat people up as they go past. So this year Steve had the brilliant idea to bring his big Jenga game and set it up in front of the campsite. It was a huge hit and was included in the official highlight reel. [cool]




    If anyone ever has a chance to go to a bluegrass festival, I would definitely suggest it. I don't generally listen to a lot of bluegrass and am unfamiliar with many of the artists that play, but the music is great to hear live and it's a super friendly community of people. We look forward to Delfest all year and then it comes and goes so quickly. Only 350 some days til Delfest 2024.  

  2. It was just about 10:30-11:00 pm on June 7, 2014 and we were having a jam when our good friend Ed fell off his drum stool of a fatal heart attack just after we finished playing Sympathy For The Devil. It doesn't seem like 9 years ago.

    Here is an earlier pic of him and I several years before that. I'm holding his Gold Top LP 1957 Reissue which became mine after he died. I'm also going to re-post for the who-knows how many times the video I cobbled together for his funeral. It only ever gets viewed when I post it here or share it again with our friends,




  3. Hope the installation goes well. A pool is nice to have.

    We bought our house in 1993, and there was an oval above ground pool with it. I knew nothing about pools then, but someone advised us we had a Johnny Weissmuller( he was Tarzan)  pool, and other than replacing the liner,  it will last us forever. Well it's 2023 and as of now they haven't been wrong.  

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  4. Back in the early 90s I used to a British show Red Dwarf. I never watched enough to know what it was really about, other than it was set in Space in what seemed to be the distant future. From what I did see of it, cracked me up though.   

  5. Played our monthly show at Mt Branch Golf Course tonight. I didn't have much time to go over material since I got home from Delfest on Monday and was wiped out from 4 days of music, partying and camping.  But I managed to fudge my way through everything. Also, we lost our sound guy, so we  had to run everything ourselves.  Our bass player works for a sound company, so he can do everything, it's just hard to run sound and play bass. He has wireless so he can walk out front and check.

    The weather was perfect and crowd great, even by this place's standards. And I don't think I've ever been happier with my rig sound. After getting my PRS amp fixed at the factory, it sounds better than before. Plus that new Morley pedal is working fantastic. The band even tells me how much better it sounds. 

    I had gigs lined up for Thursday, Friday and Saturday  (band, acoustic, band), but I bowed out of Friday's acoustic gig and our our friend Quinny is doing it in my place. 

    I don't have photo from gig, but here we are at Delfest. Steve, the one taking photo, and Quinny next to him, are two guys who are playing Friday without me. The other guy is Mark, a buddy of ours. 



  6. I finally got around to checking out "Forged" by Bart Ehrman. Many people find him controversial, and he isn't always my favorite guy to listen to. But this is one of his most acclaimed books. Worth the read.  

  7. What? No pics? I guess I'll have to do a search to see what they look like. :rolleyes:

    I also wore a wristwatch for most of my life up until I started working in my friends machine shop, in 2006. Then I would constantly bash it against something and break it. That, and the fact that my cell phone tells me the time led to me not wearing a watch in years. 


  8. On 5/20/2023 at 12:48 PM, Rabs said:

    The Narcissist - the first single taken from the new album ‘The Ballad Of Darren’


    Song is pretty good. The only other song from them I could have named off the top of my head was Song 2. When I saw the title of this song, I immediately thought it might be about...default_eusa_whistle.gif 

  9. 1 hour ago, sparquelito said:

    Just working on my 4th cup of coffee.

    I had driven down to Destin, FL on Thursday for a weekend gathering/family reunion, and then drove home yesterday evening.
    My brother and I entertained a large crowd of family and friends in the penthouse of the condo where everyone stayed.

    We pushed guitars, bass, and vocal mic's into a small mixer, and then so into a single Mackie Thump powered PA speaker.
    It was a good crowd and a good sound.  And a great practice for some upcoming gigs here locally in June, September, and December.

    I played mainly my old Tele, and also an Ibanez acoustic electric.
    (I really didn't relish taking the Les Paul BFG down there and subjecting it to salt air.)

    A good time was had by all.
    Except for that during my drive home yesterday, I hit a buzzard on I-65, just north of Greenville, and had to clean blood and $hiit off of the windshield.

    And then, two hours later, I got pulled over and searched by two law enforcement types, somewhere near Montevallo.
    They were apparently looking for somebody driving a white panel van who might have committed some sort of crime.
    Or so I gathered.
    But I wasn't the guy.

    So there's that.


    Jeeze. Good thing you weren't carrying certain substances. Or were you? [cool]

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  10. Played first gig tonight with full band using my new Morley Multi FX pedal into my amp, not the PA. The pedal performed great and it was nice not having to chain a bunch of pedals together with jumper cables.  

    It was a bar gig, but we were set up outside. The weather was perfect and the huge crowd was great. I got double booked, so my other partner Steve played the other gig with our  buddy Quinny. That gig was 2 minutes from my house, as opposed to the one I played which was a good hour drive. Oh well, I'm lucky to be doing this. 

    Now time for a tequila and go to bed.

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  11. I've had the fortune to see both SCI and Leftover Salmon at the bluegrass festival Delfest.  I'm going again in 2 weeks but unfortunately neither of those two or Billy Strings will be there this year. 

     I was somewhere in the crowd here in 2019. [cool]


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  12. So I went ahead and got the Morley.  I tested through my amp at work (yeah I have a cool job like that) and it worked and sounded great. The Echo effect isn't awesome, but I rarely use that anyway. I brought it to the acoustic  gig last night and ran it directly into the PA. It performed great and my partner loved it. So I think it's a keeper. I'll probably keep my Vox Copperhead overdrive pedal, but get rid of my wah wahs, chorus and MojoMojo drive.  There is a way to run the wah and OD into the front of the amp and put the Chorus and Echo through the effects loop. I may eventually see if that is worth the extra hassle, but for now I will just put my tuner and maybe Dyna Comp in front and then just put the Morley to the Input of the amp.



  13. Another thing from the gig above, which really has nothing to do with anything other than I found it interesting.

    The sax/guitar/percussion player in the band has his own business importing and selling shoes to retailers. He travels extensively and meets many interesting people. He had a friend come to the gig who is originally from Australia and owns a company that makes wool shoes called Woolloomooloo or something like that. Real nice guy.  His mother-in-law is the widow of Buddy Holly. Again, it means nothing but kinda cool to meet the guy who's wife's mother was married to Buddy Holly and mentioned in the song  Miss American Pie.

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  14. Played with the full band tonight. Playing tomorrow, Cinco de Mayo, with the acoustic duo.

    Tonight was the first of the season at Mountain Branch Golf Club. We play one Thursday every month there from May-October.  It's always great there, as we have a big stage to spread out and there's plenty of room for the dancers. Always a great crowd with lots of regulars who come out to see us.  Set was about same as last one from above, but added a few "new" songs: Let It Roll - Little Feat. Everybody Wants To Rule The World and The Fire Down Below. They all came out great.

    I may have been my last gig using this pedal board. I pulled the trigger on a Morley Multi FX pedal which arrived at my house today from Sweetwater. But I went straight from work to gig and didn't get to try it tonight. I'm gonna run it straight to PA at gig tomorrow night.

    Tonight's pedal setup




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