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Posts posted by saturn

  1. 14 hours ago, ksdaddy said:

    I’ve been buying and selling five-ever (that’s one longer than forever).  98% of my guitar sales are eBay and reverb so I don’t get too wound up in where to meet local sales. I used to do many sales in the parking lot at work because it was in a convenient place and my job allowed me to wander away from my desk with nobody caring. 

    Lately the market is so horrible though…. I’ve had a 1983 Gibson Sonex for sale for 3 weeks at $650 with no bites whatsoever. I also peddle a lot of junk on eBay. I mean, I am a hardcore bottom feeder and if I can find a used ball of twine at the bottom of a junk box and sell it for 80 cents, I’ll do it. Lately people aren’t even buying that stuff. In my 23 years on eBay I’ve found that if people are happy, they buy. Right now people are afraid. 

    That makes a lot of sense. I sell a lot of vintage, antique and collectable stuff on eBay, and lately my stuff hasn't even gotten views let alone bids. 

  2. 1 hour ago, DanvillRob said:

    Those stands on stage are just disaster waiting to happen...... what happened to the LP?


    I got it glued but it came apart about 6 months later. He felt so bad for knocking it over that he gave me a PRS SE. The guy is a personal friend and runs sound for Paul's band when he plays so I'm sure he didn't even pay for the guitar. My LP is still in the case with strings loosened. I keep procrastinating on what I'm going to do about it.     

  3. I'm sure if I think I could come up with something more interesting. But one comes to mind from the night before Thanksgiving 2019. About the only time I brought just one guitar, my Les Paul Studio to a gig. 5 minutes before we were to begin, our bass player accidently knocked my stand over and snapped the headstock of my LP.  Another guy in the band alternates between guitar, sax and percussions. He only brought one guitar too, his Music Man which I had to use all night while he just played sax or percussion. 

    • Like 1
  4. I'll take the blame here. I should have resisted making a snarky comment on a certain person and organization.

    Back to COVID fog. 

    I have had all vax and boosters up to last spring. I did end up catching it in May and 5 days later I was at Del Fest having a blast. 

  5. 1 minute ago, fortyearspickn said:

    So - you just lay the bait out and wait for someone to take it?    Nice.     I'll nibble ...  

     I'd never heard of him or AFPAC ... had to Google it:  all the top 10 hits make it clear the organization is to the RIGHT of .... or is it to the LEFT of ....  fill in your favorite Historical Extremist.              I  guess I'm fixated on other things.     What does bringing that group and person up have to do with the thread?  Aren't you the one that always says "This is a GUITAR forum!"  Possibly  Nick Fuentes would think  you are the nut job.  

    I don't think I've ever made the comment "this is a guitar forum".   


  6. 2 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Not sure. It was a few months back and I worked the day before it started and the day after. I only saw some of the signs that they were going to put up, and saw some on of them coming around asking when they can start setting up.

    Yeah. I could post some clips but the thread would get shut down fast. [rolleyes]

  7. 20 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

     One weekend several months back there was some America First nut job conference there and they rented the place for the weekend. It spread to employees that were working, I did not work  the Conference, and got it a few days later one night working. 

    Are you talking about that AFPAC run by nut job Nick Fuentes?

  8. Here's the way I see it. 

    It appears that a signature of a famous artist doesn't increase the monetary value of an instrument. It also seems to be a matter of opinion or preference as to whether someone likes the presence of a signature. For me, the only way it would have any sentimental value would be if I personally met an artist I admire and they signed my guitar for me. Something like that would represent a personal memory I would want to cherish. But just owning a guitar that was previously signed by someone doesn't have much interest to me. Now if I liked the guitar otherwise as an instrument and was considering purchasing it to play, a signature wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.

  9. Gettin in after playing 2 gigs tonight. I got double booked somehow. Luckily one gig was earlier and the second was right along my route home from the first, So I played from 4-8 with one band. For the second one, my buddy Steve played one solo set until I got there to help him finish two more sets. 

    Both shows went great. First was at a tiki dock bar in east Baltimore. Place was packed and we played great.  Lots of beautiful sights to see. 🙂

    Second gig was at a little local bar near my house. Place was packed. There was some local Elvis impersonator who played earlier somewhere else and brought his whole crowd to this bar for the after-party. We had him come up and play a song with us. Not Elvis, but Johnny Cash,  Folsum Prison Blues.  Overall another great gig.

    Now going to get to bed and be ready for some Football on Sunday. 

  10. I knew two identical twin brothers who had a band called The Fab 2 and would play that Blue Crab Festival every year. I've lost touch over the years so not sure if they're still playing around Myrtle Beach area or not. 

    Edit: I just did a search and the result that turned up was not Bruce and Brian that I knew. Not sure who that Fab2 is. :-k 


  11. I knew I could count on you. [biggrin] But I thought you were in Norfolk, not SC.  Why did I think that?

    Honestly, the only reason I'm going to this show is because I thinks it's kinda cool that a guy I'm in a band with has a connection to a famous musician. And regardless of what his music is like, he is apparently a really cool guy. So I can sit home putzing around my house tomorrow or go see a concert. I'll chose the latter every time. Now just hope I don't get shot driving into Baltimore. [rolleyes]   

  12. I don't have tickets, but I'm going to see Jack White tomorrow night in Baltimore.  Guy in our band's son is Jack's manager, so we are meeting at Will Call where he is leaving us tickets for the show. I think the tickets let us go just about anywhere in the venue but back stage. Jerry's son won't be there or else maybe we could have gotten to go back stage. 

    Should be interesting. I'm familiar with about 1/2 dozen of his songs. Someone called Cautious Clay is opening.  

    Everyone who enters is required to show proof of vax or recent Negative PCR test. Also, any cell phones brought in will need to be placed in some kind of secure pouches where they will be unavailable for use until after the show or when you leave. 

    Now come on Sgt Pepper. I know you have some shade to throw on this [cool] 

  13. Another Thursday gig at the gold course. Turned out to be one of, if not the best show this band has played. Individually and as a band we all played exceptionally well tonight. Plus the crowd was big and enthusiastic. Lots of dancing and interaction with the band. We even played some "new" songs for the first time tonight and they came out great. 

    Whiskey time  


  14. On 8/5/2022 at 11:31 AM, badbluesplayer said:

    The new Les Paul is awesome.  I think I've finally found the right one.  It's just super nice.  Everything about it...

    Gibson, though, needs to find something for the one-eyed guys to do other than installing the trussrod covers.  😆

    I've said this before, I think a bunch of pirates got caught in the Gulf of Mexico and they all had no left eye, and the next thing you know they kept turning right until they ended up in Nashville at the Gibson plant.


    Really. I would think those things were done by CNC. :-k

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