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Posts posted by Murph

  1. 45 minutes ago, merciful-evans said:

    Maybe toilets should be provided?

    Free phones, free flights, free bus trips, a place to stay, water, food, toilets, Jeez.

    We'll see how they like winter in Chicago...

    In April there will be a Caravan of them walking home!

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, 62burst said:

     maybe Murph can let us know what he likes about the GHS Bronze strings.

    It's hard to describe a string, eh?

    And the tone on strings will change a little every day as they age.

    But, then, maybe I'm aging too.

    I told my wife my strings get more mellow with age, and she asked me why I was getting grouchier.

    I told her to shut up and make me a sandwich...



    • Haha 1
  3. 13 hours ago, Aggie said:

    I’ve heard that GHS manufactures the Masterbuilt 80/20 strings that come with J-45’s and other Gibson models. These strings sound great on my J-45. Does anyone know if the standard GHS Bright Bronze 80/20’s are, in fact, what comes with Gibsons?

    Yes, GHS made the Masterbuilts, but that was a long time ago, I don't know who makes the Gibson branded strings now.

  4. A guy finds his dog with the neighbors pet rabbit in its mouth

    The rabbit is dead and the guy panics. He takes the dirty, chewed-up rabbit into the house. He gives it a bath, blow-dries its fur, and puts it back into the cage at the neighbor's house, hoping they will think it died of natural causes.

    A few days later, the neighbor asks the guy, "Did you hear that Fluffy died?"

    The guy stammers and says, "Um... no... what happened?"

    The neighbor replies, "We found him dead in his cage one day, but the weird thing is that the day after we buried him, someone had dug him up, gave him a bath, and put him back into the cage. And now, weirdest of all: even though he's dead, his little left paw keeps moving back and forth, back and forth, back and forth."

    The guy runs back to his house, digs through the shampoo he used when he washed the rabbit, and his worst fears are confirmed. Right there on the label: Permanent Wave For Damaged Hare...

    • Like 2
  5. 16 hours ago, badbluesplayer said:

    Me and the boys with ED, the electronic drummer...

    A drummer in a box. If you really must have drums, I'd say that's the best way.

    Mighty fine, man. Just kidding about the dogs, we're dog people, too.

    • Like 1
  6. Wait.

    They sold you a NOS 2019 using 2023 pricing as being new?

    Those years are the worst inflation since Plato.

    Honesty is the key to a relationship.

    They tried to pull one over on you.

    I would never forget that, even if I liked the instrument and decided to keep it, I would never forget that.

    Very un-ethical. 

    • Like 1
  7. I have several old tube amps that don't get used anymore, I'm pretty much all acoustic these days. I need to move a few on, but they're my favorites, so I guess I'm just hoarding them. A (Zinky) Prosonic, an old 60's Champ that Naked Clarke from the TDP restored for me 20 years ago, and a Mesa Blue Angel.

    Anyhow, several decades ago I read in Aspen Pittman's book that you should fire them up several times a year to keep the caps from drying up, and I've always done that. Sometimes I actually plug in a guitar, but sometimes I don't. I don't know if you actually have to, nor do I know if you can just leave them on standby, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I also don't know if that's required with old SS amps/p.a.'s as well but I always assumed it was, so I do it with my old XR600 Peavey and my Carvin bass rig. It's worked for me so far, all my rigs still work after over a decade of mostly non use.

    I will also turn the knobs/pots from time to time.

    It would be great if badbluesplayer, who is an actual amp builder and designer, and any other Forum members with electronics experience would care to jump in with any expertise about long term amp storage and/or collecting.

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