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Posts posted by Murph

  1. On 1/12/2024 at 6:19 AM, IanHenry said:

    Back in my younger days, we'd never heard of oiling your fretboard, 

    I grew up in Mesa/Phoenix and that's about as dry as you can get, and I'd never heard of it in my younger days, either. I still have a 62 Melody Maker I played back then, and the rosewood board looks fine, except for the divets.....

  2. 6 hours ago, Larsongs said:

    I have Fender, Vox & Marshall Tube Amps between 20 & 40 years old.. I play literally everyday. Very little maintenance.. A Reverb Tank in my Twin. I have replaced a few Tubes.. But, that’s it.

    Hell yea, my Mesa is nearly 30 years old and has never had anything changed except tubes, and even then just because I wanted to. I have a Champ that's 50 years old and has never had a pot go out. Works and sound just fine.

    Now that I think about it my Prosonic is pushing 30 years old too. With zero maintenance. A tube now and then.

    Don't argue with the internet, Lars....

  3. 1 hour ago, dhanners623 said:

    The short answer is no, I haven’t. The longer answer is I really should. Haven’t thought of them for years but yeah, they’d make a great song. Has anyone written one that you know of? (And you’d be perfect for it, too.)

    I haven't yet, but might someday.

    It's an interesting story.

  4. The forest animals were concerned that their habitat was being destroyed by logging, so they consulted the oldest wisest tree in the middle of the forest to ask what they could do to save it.

    The wise old tree thought about it and said "Perhaps the bears can scare the loggers away.” The bears snarled and charged the loggers to scare them.

    It worked initially, but then the loggers hired hunters and soon there were no bears left to scare anyone.

    The logging resumed and the forest animals returned to the wise old tree for advice. This time the wise old tree suggested that the birds swoop down and peck the loggers to disrupt their work day.

    This too worked for a while until the loggers hired some falconers to hunt the birds. Soon there were not enough birds to halt their progress so the loggers resumed.

    At this point the loggers were getting very close to the wise old tree, so the forest animals came back once more to see what the tree had to say. The wise old tree then suggested that all the squirrels and mice chew through the cables of the loggers' power tools, saws and other equipment so that the tools could no longer cut down the trees. While this did slow the loggers down, they quickly switched to manual saws and axes while their mechanised equipment was repaired and carried on.

    The day eventually came where the loggers had reached the wise old tree in the middle of the forest and chopped it down.

    Later that night the remaining forest animals sadly visited the dying tree and asked one last time if there was anything they could do to save the rest of the forest.

    The tree let out a weak sigh and said "Sorry guys, I'm completely stumped.”

    • Haha 1
  5. A boyfriend and a girlfriend are taking on New Year's Eve

    Girlfriend: What'cha doin'?

    Boyfriend: Watching the ball drop on my laptop.

    Girlfriend: Cool. What's your New Year's resolution?

    Boyfriend: 1080p

  6. A guy walks into a bar on New Year's Eve at 8pm and orders a glass of champagne. "Happy New Years!" he shouts. "Calm down," the bartender reprimands him. "It's still hours away." "Sorry," the guy apologizes. "My doctor told me I sometimes suffer from premature congratulations."

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, Dave F said:

    You have a line at the fwd side of the pins that I assume is the energy from pull of the string tension?  Should that be at the energy of the vibration of the string contact point on the saddle?

    And, if the string is seated against the bridge plate, is there actually any upward pull on the bridge anyhow?

  8. 21 hours ago, DanvillRob said:

    There are songs I perform on the Hummingbird BECAUSE of the short scale, 

    I chose the J-45 and J-15 because of scale, as well.

    I was "used" to that scale and do a lot of slides, up and down, it's just the way I play.

    I'd still like to get a Hummingbird someday.

    • Like 1
  9. 14 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    Just about every single flagship smart phone including the iPhone is made in China.  

    That must be why they're so cheap.  🤠


    Phones are disposable. Only an idiot pays full price for the latest flagship phone.

    An American built tube amp has a soul and can last several generations.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 11 hours ago, SteveFord said:

    I'm looking forward to hearing one of these, I'll bet they're going to be pretty good.


    My Blue Angel has no gain or master volume. Volume, bass, mid, treble and reverb. The harder you push it the sweeter it gets. Also it has 2:6V6's and 4 EL84's and you can use either and/or all 6 power tubes with a tube rectifier and a 12", V30 Celestion. High gain amps always sounded squishy to me. I'd be curious what Randall comes up with for the Gibson branded stuff. It sounds like they are still on good terms, which is a great thing.

  11. 8 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

    KR,  I’d try to get that Lemon oil off. It is petroleum  based with an artificial lemon scent to mask the scent.   Coconut Oil is a 100% natural product recommended by manufacturers of cutting boards.  

    He probably won't be preparing food on his fretboard.

    The lemon oil is fine, mine is Gibson brand.

    Coconut oil smells like coconuts.

    Which is stinky...

  12. Mesa will service their amps. They just don't want "Joes T.V. Repair" working on them.

    I've never had a problem with my Blue Angel gigging it for 3/4 nights a week for a decade, and it was used when I got it.

    They're pretty tough.

  13. You didn't notice the drenched fretboard when you bought it?

    I know for a fact that oils and oil based stains can and will make the glues on exterior plywood (treated/marine plywood) let go, and the plies will separate causing more problems than if you had just left it alone.

    I have no reason to believe this would be different on any other uses of wood and glue.

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