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duane v

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Posts posted by duane v

  1. I'm pretty open to relicing....

    I have seen some pretty convincing relicing jobs that I wouldn't be able tell apart from a guitar that went through years of aging. I have also notice this trend with furniture, but I think they call it "distressed."

    But I just don't like the additional price tag that's added to an instrument that has been relic'd. I can see a few hundred dollars more for the option, but thousands of dollars is just ridiculous IMO.

  2. I was ready to retire in December 2021 (30th year).... I turned in all my paper work and was ready to go on a 6 week vacation to empty out my vacation hours, and low and behold two days before going on vacation I get an email from the CEO and my direct report to get on a plane to Kenosha WI (General Headquarters). 

    I was totally ambushed and they made me an offer my wife wouldn't let me refuse. I thought for sure I was getting a cool going away present..... Anywhoo I made a gentlemen's agreement I would stick around another 5 years.

  3. 22 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

    All my instruments are tools. I use them to make my living.

    Currently, we are playing 3 days a week, outdoors, a few hundred feet from the ocean, and the salt air is relicing everything. I'd rather they stayed nice looking, but I'm happier that they are providing me with my income.

    I don't understand why you would buy a pre-beat-up instrument. But then, I don't understand why females cover their beautiful skin with tattoos, or why anyone would eat at a fast food joint, or why anyone still smokes cigarettes, or why anyone would buy new jeans with holes in them, or why anyone would grow a lawn around their house, or why anyone would come to Florida and then live their lives in Air Conditioning, or why anyone would be a vegan by choice, and so on.

    But as long as their likes don't directly hurt me, I'm OK with it.


    Notes ♫

    Man Notes.... That's a lot of wondering... lol 

    I don't look my guitars as a tool but more of an extension of musical creativity. To me a guitar is kind of a living thing as the wood is always changing, (sometimes not always for the good). And I can understand why some of the good folks in Florida live in their AC's.... The weather can get pretty damn nasty. 

  4. On 4/1/2023 at 9:25 AM, gibsonles paul said:

    Hey guys. Just wanted to know what's the best way to age the pickup covers on mu 2016 Les Paul traditional.  I heard of a paper towel and vinegar method but I'm not sure how that works. Please leave you tips below. Thanks!

    Color buff it and it will dull in a few days after. But this only works on chromium3.... if it's chromium6 forget it. 

  5. Finished laying the Revolution Burst... Did some blending and cleanup work, then added two coats of clear then hit the whole bass with a thin coat of vintage amber. 

    Today I will start doing the final clear coats ... A total of 10.

    I gotta give props to those that can freehand this type of work.... I had to use multiple templates with rattle can nitro paints... not easy..... And scraping the binding was a complete PIA... Someone needs to design a tool.... 









  6. So over the last week I was able to get quite a bit done. I really wasn't happy with the butterscotch lacquer as it was hiding the grain and the bass started to look like a banana. So I completely sanded the bass to bare wood and go with a vintage amber. To me it looks much better even though the trade off will be is the patch will be more visible but I'm willing to live with that .

    I will be laying two coats of clear today then I will shoot the red on Sunday 



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