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Big Bill

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Posts posted by Big Bill

  1. 3 hours ago, sparquelito said:

    I like my leather straps to be as soft as a woman's skin.



    I bought one of his Deluxe Nipple Straps for my Jazz Bass! Yes, my slap bass sucks...

    • Thanks 1
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  2. 30 minutes ago, Rabs said:

    I tell you what though.. I have had a quick look around and finding that kind of paint and colour wont be easy..  It may actually be easier if I can get a car spray place to do it for me...  Hmmm....

    Another great idea!

  3. 53 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

    He wants to Retail his to you & take yours in at Wholesale.. That’s what Dealers do.. Standard practice..

    If it ain’t Magic, pass…..

    Funny how that works...

  4. 53 minutes ago, Rabs said:

    It is an amazing guitar but I always did think that having 2 of them was a bit overkill 😄   I got the P90 one as it was too good to refuse.. Its mad when you think that its a made 2 measure guitar, pretty unique yet it cost £400 less than the humbucker one which you can still buy new today.. I always thought it was a bit weird but have found nothing wrong with it at all. Actually apart from the fretboard which is a bit scratched up. Im not sure if someone tried to clean it who didnt know what they were doing or if it came that way from the factory (I hope not).. But it wasnt an issue for me as I know how to clean it up pretty easily.

    The prices in the guitar market today are bonkers. And the way the go up and down constantly is annoying. BUT if you pick the right time to buy it proves you can still get the odd good deal if you know what you are looking for.

    You have more than one Lester, so there is nothing weird about having more than one 336.

  5. Rabs - to be honest, I rather have your 336 than that Lester. But, that is me...


    Edit: I have a 339 with 59s and love it, I wouldn't want any other pup in that. 

  6. 17 hours ago, Rabs said:

    I will bring my Humbucker 336 along..  He did say he would do a deal so we will see what I can do..  At the moment there are second hand 336s going for £3800 (new ones are £4399) so maybe he will even do a swap?  It seems to make sense to me to keep the P90 one out of both of them, it far more unique. If that happens I will still have a 336 AND this beauty above..  Obviously I have to inspect and play it first..  But I cant imagine me not liking it unless the neck is too chunky.

    Any news Rabs?


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  7. 13 minutes ago, Murph said:

    I always wanted a 335, then they came out with the (slightly smaller) 339 and I bought the first year. It was my # 1 until I quit the electrics and went all acoustic.

    Love those semi hollow laminate double cuts.

    I have a 339 and LOVE it, but I'm still GASing for a 335. 

  8. 8 hours ago, Dub-T-123 said:

    I decided earlier today that your name stands for “russ trod cover”


    One thing that to me suggests it’s actually vintage is the small roundover. All the double cut reissues I’ve seen tend to have the big roundover but I could of course be wrong. It would be in really good shape if it’s original especially the Les Paul model silkscreen which is above the clear coat.. it looks like there might be a few dings through the finish on the top near the lower strap button 


    to me it really screams vintage or high end custom shop in either case it’s a guitar worth some money and worth maintaining

    I see were you're coming from, but the wings on the head stock throw me off.



  9. 24 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

    Reminds me of an old joke -   Girl in a bar with a home made prosthetic eye  asks a guy if he'd like to ....?      He foolishly blurts out   "Wood Eye ?   Wood Eye?"   She  leaves in a huff. 

    .....I would, I would!!!

    • Haha 1
  10. 12 hours ago, Dub-T-123 said:

    It doesn’t seem like you’ve thought it through but maybe you’ve got an idea I haven’t thought of. 


    binding is normally installed where it sits slightly proud and is then scraped/sanded perfectly flush. You don’t have that option with the frets installed.

    The radius of the fretboard means you would theoretically be ripping the binding with one side having an angle to roughly match the fretboard radius. You’d have to rip that angle right up to the point where the binding wraps around the bottom of the fretboard, then leave that part wider and 90°, then back to the angle for the other side of the fretboard. If you somehow do that perfectly, it should be extremely difficult to get binding past the fret ends into the channel. 

    So imo with all that considered it’s either a hack job or a refret unless you have a different idea. I guess theoretically you could notch the binding around each fret and scrape it between the frets. Probably still not a great outcome and probably still easier to refret

    Unless I don't understand what Duane is doing, I don't think he will doing anything with the binding and fretboard other than taping it off.

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