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Big Bill

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Posts posted by Big Bill

  1. 40 minutes ago, Murph said:

    Is it chambered? Maybe not if it's that heavy.

    Back when Les died, I was gigging an ES339 and felt bad because I didn't own a Les Paul at the time, so I bought a wine red Studio in his honor, and I needed a write off.  It's chambered and is loud unplugged, it's actually a great guitar. I think it's an 07/08, it was NOS. Les himself was a fan of the chambering.

    I believe that is a 2019 50s Standard with P90s, they're not weight relieved.

  2. 12 minutes ago, duane v said:

    I'm also finishing up a les paul project for my wifes sons birthday that's coming up. I purchased a 2nd Gibson body with a big knot on the cap.... Drilled all the holes and cavities myself without a template and carved a neck pocket for an off brand explorer neck,,,, Did a root beer burst .... It looks pretty good... All that's left is a setup. So its half Gibson and half something else... lol 

    I did the colors with water base shoe dye.


  3. I have a 50s LP Standard and I didn't like the Burstbuckers that came in it at all. I didn't like them on other Gibson's I have owned in the past. I am a 57 Classic fan myself. However, on my 50s LP I put in a set of Seymour Duncan 'Whole Lotta Humbucker".  I found it give that classic hard rock sound that I like. If Rabs' suggestion doesn't work out for you, I suggest checking these pups out.

  4. 35 minutes ago, Pinch said:

    Am I correct in assuming this guy is measuring fretboard width, not neck girth? I have to be, right? 


    Looks like he was measuring the "girth". 

    I have a 50s Standard and I love it. It is chunkier as describe, but not so much so as to be off putting. 

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