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Big Bill

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Posts posted by Big Bill

  1. 21 minutes ago, Black Dog said:


    Well, it's only like a feather, not an actual feather.  But I can make a few offers and see if I get any takers.

    DON'T!!! I just tried it with my wife using my 2013 wight relieved Standard. I'm posting this from the rafters in my garage!! Oh I'm F**king scared right. Me too!!!

    • Upvote 1
  2. Chris, I don't think it's so much the weight of the guitar but  that it's a solid body, non-weight relieved that is appealing, at least for me anyway. Custom shops are solid as well but they use higher quality wood than the USA Lesters. This is part of their price tag. Some players including myself believe you get better sustain with the solid body, but that has been argued...

  3. 2 hours ago, G Mac said:

    I must interject! I lived in Maine for a long time and in Boston as well. I first heard wicked used in Maine in the 1970's  when my family summered there as in, "Wicked goo-ud!" ; it is also common in Boston. I've never heard a Bostonian use "the  dinner", though. I will say though, that due to their proximity, they share a great deal in terms of their accent and vernacular. Ayuh!

    The first time I heard "wicked..." was from the wife of a friend from Maine. She was from New Hampshire. I guess it's a New England thang. (Thang = Detroit area)

  4. 9 hours ago, zigzag said:

    I like my 57 classics in my 335, and I like my Burstbuckers in my LP Standard. I think that's where they belong.

    BTW, purdy guitar, Bill.

    I have the 57s in my 339 so I'm covered there. I just can't get cozy with Burstbuckers, I really tried just to muddy for me.

  5. 18 minutes ago, kidblast said:

    that is wicked pissah...  (is my "boston" showing too strong???)

    I was thinking Maine until you mentioned Bean Town!

  6. 27 minutes ago, pippy said:

    Lovely 'burst and colour on that one, Bill. Love the chevron, too!


    When you say the main differences are the weight and the neck am I right to assume you mean the new arrival is heavier and with a chunkier profile? I look forward to your evaluation of the incoming SD's against the '57 Classics.


    Your'e right Pip, the thing weighs a metric ton and the neck is beefy. I played beefier...

  7. 3 hours ago, tx-ogre said:

    Very nice.  Congrats.

    I had to read the sentence about the “pic with the new strap-on” a second time.  I thought at first you were referring to something else entirely.  😁

    Ha!! Congrats you caught my joke!!

  8. 1 hour ago, Black Dog said:

    I think it looks even better in these pictures.  Very, very nice.   I've never heard the Whole Lotta Humbuckers but I'm a fan of SD stuff in general.


    From what I understand Jimmy P went to Seymour and had him remind his PAFs on his #1. SD kept the specs of what he made and these are supposed to be repoductions. I think they could have come up with a better name.

  9. Twang Gang mention I didn't do a NGD post, however I did post a pic here and there in other threads. Here's my new Standard 50s Heritage Cherry. I included a pic with the new strap-on. I'm really digging this guitar. I can really tell the difference between it and my 2013 Standard. Biggest difference is the weight and the neck. I have no complaints other than I do not like Burstbuckers. I usually swap them out with 57 Classics, but this time I'm going to put in Duncan's Whole "Lotta Humbucker" instead. 



    • Upvote 3
  10. Have any of you guys used these straps on your Gibsons? I bought one and I think it is just awesome, very comfortable. I would state it one of the best I ever owned. Price is unbelievable thus the post.


    The site claims they use fine leathers... yada yada yada. I have no complaints but a concern. I think they may have other materials included and/or oils to treat the leather that might hurt the nitro finish on a Gibby. Any body use these, your thoughts?

  11. 1 hour ago, Twang Gang said:

    Nice job on the lesson.  I always loved this song and wanted to play it, but couldn't figure it out.  Now that I see how it's played, I know I'll never do it.

    Yeah, he did a very nice job!!! I always wanted to know how to play it too.  After seeing this video, I know I don't have the talent to play it!

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