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Monty Hall Problem


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Lol,, funny isn't it.


The Mythbusters proved this on a show.


At first it seems like basic probability,, but it's not.


And human nature is to not switch, which was the other thing the Mythbusters proved.


Ok,, I'm a geek,, sue me...


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Pretty cool.


You know what's messed up is how people on the TV show Jeopardy ALWAYS bet wrong during the part of the show called Final Jeopardy, where they have to figure out how much to bet on the final question.


You have all these brilliant people but none of them ever know enough about math to make the right bet. NEVER. They're always guarding against finishing third when there's no difference in the prize for second or third. So they don't bet everything and they leave money on the table that they easily could have won without any potential downside for losing. [scared]


Mythbusters - I poo-poohed those guys when they were trying to show something about a suspension bridge and they didn't even know how to make one or how they worked but they were trying to prove something about them. Don't remember what, but thy didn't even anchor the cables at their ends, but rather to the bridge span itself. It was such a joke!! High School level of understanding. They could have read a pamphlet or something before they decided they were experts, but NOOOO! To a real engineer, they are just a couple of dopes with a budget. [laugh]

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Dave, that was great.

I'm just glad it wasn't a Monty Python Problem because then we'd have an argument.


Now that was funny.. [lol]





Mythbusters - I poo-poohed those guys when they were trying to show something about a suspension bridge and they didn't even know how to make one or how they worked ,,,,,,,,, To a real engineer, they are just a couple of dopes with a budget. [laugh]




I remember that episode.

And you are right. But I'm not an engineer so I don't know any better and they entertain me.

That's the trouble with you engineers.. you like to poo pooh on things.... lol


But seriously,, I work side by side with engineers in my job. I have the utmost respect for them.

And believe me, I take great pleasure in giving them a hard time.

But I know my job well, so I also take great pleasure when I can prove them wrong and sit

back and watch them try to rationalize their way out of their mistake...lol

Although that doesn't happen very often,, they are very smart bastards [flapper]

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