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Band split (update I am done)


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Sorry I haven't gotten in on this one, but the guys have offered excellent advice.


Even if you're a lousy player - which you are not - that does not mean to stop. It does not mean to stop "playing out" or in a band.


People forget that some of the best "entertainers" are not exceptional musicians.


With my "day job," I can't play "out" in a band. I can only play a half dozen or so "benefit" gigs to help raise money for things I believe in.


But the guitar is always there, always at hand to play.


Each of us has a different mind. What we like, and what we want to play is different. How our mind works with music is different.


A "Band" is a group of people who do more than make music. They entertain other people to make those other people happy. Sometimes if there is not a good feeling in the "band," it stops being a group of people who do more than make music. An audience can feel it, even if the music still is good quality.


As others have said, it is common for bands to break up because their minds are not on the same pathway.


Sometimes a musician can find another band. Sometimes it is better for a musician to take a holiday from "playing out" and use that time to practice and think about how they want to play and how they want to "entertain."


I was hurt, too, when my first rock band took a different turn and it was not correct for me - and we all knew it. Still, I was hurt.


But now, 48 years later, I can tell you I am a better guitar player. I can tell you I enjoy performing more than I did then.


And I can tell you I am still learning.



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Sorry I haven't gotten in on this one, but the guys have offered excellent advice.


Even if you're a lousy player - which you are not - that does not mean to stop. It does not mean to stop "playing out" or in a band.


People forget that some of the best "entertainers" are not exceptional musicians.


With my "day job," I can't play "out" in a band. I can only play a half dozen or so "benefit" gigs to help raise money for things I believe in.


But the guitar is always there, always at hand to play.


Each of us has a different mind. What we like, and what we want to play is different. How our mind works with music is different.


A "Band" is a group of people who do more than make music. They entertain other people to make those other people happy. Sometimes if there is not a good feeling in the "band," it stops being a group of people who do more than make music. An audience can feel it, even if the music still is good quality.


As others have said, it is common for bands to break up because their minds are not on the same pathway.


Sometimes a musician can find another band. Sometimes it is better for a musician to take a holiday from "playing out" and use that time to practice and think about how they want to play and how they want to "entertain."


I was hurt, too, when my first rock band took a different turn and it was not correct for me - and we all knew it. Still, I was hurt.


But now, 48 years later, I can tell you I am a better guitar player. I can tell you I enjoy performing more than I did then.


And I can tell you I am still learning.



Hi Milod,


Thank you for your advices, and never considered guitar playing as ''I got it'´ I am always learning and hope will always be, I consider guitar playing as a way to express myself and a way to hâve fun.

And I was not expecting so much hate from one buddy :( but that's life

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I just got an email yesterday from someone I considered a friend until 1995.


Then because of an "organization" we both were in, there were some problems.


It was an honest difference, no hard feelings, but just a complete <zap> split.


I think we expect friendship to last forever.


It does not.


When there is money or ego or "groups" involved, it may be even more short-lived.


That's why, I think, we need to realize we each walk a path alone. We will have joy, and we will have hurt, with companions we may walk with for a while on that path of life. That means we are human.


Good luck with whatever you do, or decide. But keep your head up and enjoy your pathway even if it takes turns you did not expect. It's the only one you have. We can smile and enjoy what we can enjoy, or frown and think only about what we cannot enjoy. I prefer to smile more of the time than I frown.



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It's amazing how much a band split can hurt - almost ridiculous. Last year, my band split and it really hit me - now 8 months on, I'm in a new one, and don't give a damn about the old one!!


Awel mate - just enjoy your music. There are SO many musicians out there - you will find what you want. [thumbup] Rock on, brother.

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