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Restorative Finish Cream vs Pump Polish


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Is there a difference between the 2? I heard the Restorative Cream will remove scratches where as Pump Polish will only clean the nitrocellulose surface. Is this true? I apologize in advance if this topic had been brought up, but I'm at the guitar store now and was looking for advice. I searched the net quickly but could not find a comparison between the 2 products.


Thanks in advance

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If you are currently at the guitarmonger's, I would hold off on buying anything, unless they have the Virtuoso Cleaner & Polish 2 bottle set. Not readily found in a brick & mortar store, but easily found on eBay, etc. If you have a Gibson (nitro), it's the way to go.


Normally don't weigh in on these ?'s, as the thread usually gets around to mentioning the virtues of Virtuoso (sorry). But time seemed to be of the essence. Good luck.

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The cream you're thinking of is probably a wax - cream of carnauba or similar. It has a mild abrasive in it to remove small scratches. The pump polish is simply a cleaner for removing finger grease etc.


But, I'd second the recommendation of the Virtuoso two part kit: great stuff, well worth the money and appropriate even on high end vintage pieces.

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Sounds like the Restorative Cream you're referring to is the one that comes in a kit sold by Gibson. It is probably quite similar to Virtuoso's cleaner, but I've never tried it.


Many people here have used Virtuoso Cleaner for light wear issues. It is a proven product and comes highly recommended. I use it, along with Gibson's pump polish.

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